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形容词的英译; 在那里的每一刻都充满了欢乐,这是我记忆中玩得最开心的一次。 Every moment was a delight; I can’t remember ever having enjoyed myself so thoroughly anywhere. 以“红”为例 1. (像鲜血或石榴花的颜色) red: red cloth; 红布 flush and turn pale by turns; 脸上红一阵白一阵 ;2. (象征顺利、成功或受人重视、欢迎) symbol of success, luck, popularity, etc.: good luck; 红运 get off to a good start; 开门红 3. (象征革命和政治觉悟高) revolutionary; red: the red month of May; 红五月 red in heart and firm in will; 心红志坚; “吃得有益健康,”他说,“多吃新鲜蔬菜和水果,少吃红肉。” “Eat healthily,” he says, “taking in more fresh vegetables and fruit and less red meat.” 我们甚至会提供代理人服务, 代客收取股息及红股。 We even offer nominee service which can help clients to receive all the dividends and bonus shares. “红利” bonus 请不要把这件事告诉我爸爸,”他说,羞得满脸通红。 “Please dont tell my dad about this, he said, blushing with sham 红眼蝎子。 The?red-eyed?scorpion ?她的祖母非常喜欢她。有一天祖母给了她一顶红色的天鹅绒帽子。 Her?grandmother?loved?her?very?much?and?gave?her?a?red?velvet?cap?one?day. ; 阿姆斯特丹有一个世界闻名的红灯区。 Amsterdam has a world-famous red-light district. ?斯普鲁恩斯用块摺得方方正正的手帕抹抹红彤彤的脸。 Spruance?patted?his?crimson?face?with?a?square-folded?handkerchief. 法兰克福香肠制成红红的长串的熏牛肉肠或熏猪肠。 A?smoked?sausage?of?beef?or?beef?and?pork?made?in?long,?reddish?links. 这婴儿的面颊红红胖胖的。 The baby has rosy plump cheeks. ;Conclusion: 大多数情况下,对其进行直译 根据语境,需要对其进行语境化处理 副词的翻译同此理 ;代词的翻译 “关于这些我是这么想的。 This is what I think concerning them. 他这话是什么意思? What could he mean? 可是不行,”她忽然想了起来,“这是万万办不到的事: -- But no, -- recollecting herself, -- that could never be: 可是这毕竟是她自己睁大了眼睛挑选的。 -- But she had chosen it with her eyes open; 不过在这种时候,即使你要当心,也很难办到。-- But to be guarded at such a time, is very difficult. ;Conclusion: 1. 代词的翻译常常直译 2. 有时会根据语境意译或不译 ;介词的翻译;王毅部长在第三届北极圈论坛大会开幕式上的致辞 尊敬的奥拉维尔·拉格纳·格里姆松总统阁下,女士们、先生们, Your Excellency President ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, Ladies and Gentlemen, 应格里姆松总统对习近平主席的邀请,中方派出高级别代表团出席第三届北极圈论坛大会,并将举办国别专题会议。首先,我谨对大会的开幕表示热烈的祝贺。 At the invitation extended by President Grímsson to President Xi Jinping, China has sent a high-level delegation to the third Arctic Circle Assembly, and will hold a cou


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