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编号 毕业设计(论文) 影院订票系统设计与实现 Design and Realization of Cinema Booking System 学院名称 专业名称 学生姓名 学号 指导教师 2015年6月28日 摘要 SQL Server 2005数据库。Web服务器使用Tomcat,Tomcat是Apache公司组织开发的一种JSP引擎,由于自身具有Web服务器,可以作为独立的Web服务器使用。从快速开发方面考虑,运用了Hibernate框架实现对数据库的各项操作。影院订票系统可以实现人们提前了解新电影和快速订购电影票的愿望,更给如今生活快节奏的人们节省了很多时间,系统凭借快速的信息更新、大量的信息储存、应用方便等特点为用户订票带来了舒适的网上订票和关注的环境。 系统的建立,让拥有影片信息资源的影院可以在互联网上实现影片展示、电影预告片、影视排行榜、网上订票、新片发行介绍等功能,系统不仅将成为影院与人们在互联网上的一个文化交流的窗口,还提供了一个具有广泛的参与性、娱乐性的便民服务。 关键词: Abstract Nowadays, people treat the Internet as a part of life. Various kinds of time-consuming and energy-consuming task can be realized through the Internet perfectly. Also, the film industry is motivated by the convenience of the Internet. In the past, people have to walk in the cinema if they want to book tickets. Today, some group-buying websites provide online booking function, however, it cannot meet the increasing demand of online purchase and reservation. Therefore, it is necessary to develop an online booking system which can satisfy modern residents’ living habits. The overall design uses Struts framework. To process requests from the front page, MVC layered model is implemented in the background business layer. In this design, BS framework and JSP technology are used in the dynamic pages. The dynamic pages includes new movies, special-price movies, orders, booking zone, membership modification and reservation ranking. In addition, SQL Server 2005 database is selected as the background database. Tomcat is applied in the Web server. Tomcat is a kind of JSP engine developed by the Apache Company. Because Tomcat contains Web server, itself can be used as an independent server. Considering the rapid development, Hibernate framework is used to handle the operation in the database. Cinema booking system satisfies people’s desire of knowing new movies in advance and booking tickets quickly. Moreover, it saves much time for the modern people with fast


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