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Have Faith, And Expect The Best;Have Faith, And Expect The Best;Faith begins by believing in your heart that what is right has a chance. ;Faith is knowing in your heart that good can overcome evil, that the sun can shine in a rainstorm. ;Faith is peaceful and comforting, because it comes from within where no one can invade your private dreams.;Faith is not something you can demand or command; it is a result of commitment to belief. ;Faith is believing in something that you cannot see or hear, something deep inside that only you understand and only you control.;Faith is trusting in yourself enough to know that no matter how things turn out; and you will make the best of them. ;When you are faced so many negative situations, realize how trivial problems will seem when you view your life as a whole and remember the positive things.;Take the necessary time in your own life to dream your dreams and renew your energy, so you will be ready to face each new day. ;To have faith where you cannot see; to be willing to work on in the dark; to be conscious of the fact that so long as you strive for the best. ;There are better things on the way, this in itself is success.;Reason is an action of the mind; knowledge is a possession of the mind; but faith is an attitude of the person.;It means you are prepared to stake yourself on something being so. ;Thank You!


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