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前元音[i:] 发音要诀: 发此音时,上下唇微开,上下齿分开,舌尖稍微抵住下齿,嘴角尽量往两边拉伸,做微笑状,然后振动声带。这就是为什么老外在照相的时候总是要说“cheese”的原因。 发音字母及组合 ee: see, tree ea: eat, seat ie: piece, field e: secret, she i: police, ski 前元音[i] 发音要诀: 发此音时要短促而轻快,上下唇及上下齿要比发[i:] 时微开,嘴角肌肉略微放松。这个发音特别像部队里喊数“1, 2, 3, 4”中的“1”的音。 发音字母及组合 i: sit, bit y: city, system e: pretty, blanket ey: money, monkey u: busy, business ay: Friday, Saturday ui: build, guitar a: village, private [i:] [i] Mother: How’s the game? Son: Tom bit me in the game. Mother: What? Son: Mom, don’t get me wrong. He just beat me in the game. 辅音(爆破音)[p] 发音要诀: 发此音时,双唇轻轻闭合,在口腔内压迫气流,然后将气流快速从口腔喷出,不振动声带。 发音字母及组合 p: pen, public pp: appear, suppose 辅音(爆破音)[b] 发音要诀: 发此音时,与发[p]音非常相像,双唇轻轻闭合,在口腔内压迫气流然后将气流快速从口腔喷出,但需振动声带。 发音字母及组合 b: back, robot bb: ribbon, stubborn 辅音(爆破音)[t] 发音要诀: 发此音时,双唇微开,舌尖抵住上齿龈,形成气流阻碍,然后将气流快速从口腔弹出来,不振动声带。 中国人习惯把单词结尾的[t]发成[t?],请大家练习时一定要注意,不要犯这个错误。 发音字母及组合 t: tell, tall tt: attack, pretty 辅音(爆破音)[d] 发音要诀: 发此音时和[t]一样,只不过它需要振动声带。同样,在发位于词尾的[d]音时,千万不要再后面加一个[?]音。 发音字母及组合 d: blind, down dd: sudden, muddy Congress has been considering bills to increase cardholder protections. The industry sees no need for more rules. Eighty-two percent of Americans think credit cards provide a valuable service. But a majority, fifty-eight percent, say they do not trust credit card companies. And three out of four think the government should regulate the industry more closely. These are among the findings released this week from a national survey. CreditCards. com, an online marketplace, reported the findings based on a thousand adults. Three out of four people feel there is always some condition that makes a card less appealing than the company made it sound. /e/ 发音字母及组合 e: egg, pen ea: bread, ready a: many, any ie: friend [?] 发音字母及组合 a: cat, fat, bag [k] 发音字母及组合 k: kick, key c: cry, can ck: sick, duck cc: accuse, account [g] 发音字母及组合 g: bug, go gg: beggar, struggle gu: guest, guard Today’s word, “pan”, takes us back to the days of the gold rush in California. On January 24,


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