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印睿 HBUT YinRui.2014@ Mental Spaces Conceptual Blending Five Paradigms of Cognitive Linguistics *以格式塔心理学为基础的研究 如认知语法和构式语法 *以现象学为基础的研究 如认知体验性、概念隐喻和转喻 *认知语篇的研究 如心理空间和概念整合理论 *认知社会语言学 如词汇语义的变异和文化模式 *比喻语言加工的心理语言学及以语言习得研究 From pragmatic function theory to mental space mappings Nunberg’s Pragmatic Function Theory 语用功能理论主要用以分析间接指代现象。 他指出,由于心理、文化、局部语用等方面的原因, 人们会在不同性质的客体之间建立一些纽带和关联, 借助这些纽带和关联,人们可以用一客体间接地指 代另一客体。 Nunberg’s Pragmatic Function Theory ↓ Access / Identification Principle 认同/可及性原则 Access Principle 可及性原则 Access Principle refers to a crucial properity of language, cognitive constructions and conceptual links. 假设有两个客体a 和 b ,通过语用功能连接,b = F(a) ,那么我们可以通过指称、描述和指向a 来找到与a 对应的b。 Space Mappings the meaning construction Three main types Projection mappings 投射映射 Pragmatic function mappings 语用功能映射 Schema mappings 图式映射 Projection mappings 投射映射 Projection of part of the structure of one domain onto another Examples: Winter is around the corner. The national Day is approaching. conceptual metaphor Pragmatic function mappings 语用功能映射 Two relevant domains, which may be set up locally,typically correspond to two categories of objects, which are mappes onto each other by a pragmatic function. 语用功能映射接近于联想,认知者由一事物联想到在空间或时间上与之相近的事物。语用功能映射是概念结构内部的相互映射,即借代性映射。 Example, 他喜欢读鲁迅。 Schema mappings 图式映射 A general schema, frame or model is used to structure a situation in context, e.g. grammatical constructions and vocabulary items call upmeaning schemas. 图式映射是指用抽象的图式、框架或模型来理解话语,是认知图式的自上而下的投射。 Examples, Mary borrowed books from John. Mental Spaces 1985 Mental spaces are very partial assemblies constructed as we think and talk, for purposes of local understanding and action. They contain ele


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