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* * * * * Worksheet #2 Leadership Expectations Handout * * * * * * * * * * * One of the most effective strategies for altering your mood is simply to repeat certain sorts of statements. It is a subtle effect, but it has been shown to be effective in changing a mood. If you’re looking for a quick mood picker-upper, all you need to do is to read the statements that follow. Ideally, you would say them out loud. Of course, this can cause problems if you are in a crowded elevator at the time. So if you determine that saying the statement out loud is not for you at that moment, just repeat them silently to yourself. * * * * * * * * * Handout Defining Corporate Culture article * * * * * * * * Caliper Activity Caliper活动 Divide into 3 Groups 分成三组 2 Caliper results (same for all groups) 两个Caliper结果(所有组相同) Group #1 – Inspiration Influence 第一组—— 感召力和影响力 Group #2 – Change Catalyst Develop Others 第二组—— 变革催化剂和发展他人 Group #3 – Conflict Mgmt Teamwork/Collaboration 第三组—— 冲突管理和团队合作/协作 Do an analysis on both Calipers and determine who might be more naturally inclined to exude your assigned competencies 分析两个Caliper的结果,并决定在你们之中谁相对更自然地具备所分配到的领导能力。 Activity – Worksheet #5 活动——工作表五 Short Scenarios – Identify the EQ Dimension 短场景 —— 识别情商维度 Case Study – Bill 案例分析—— Bill Activity – Worksheet #6 活动——工作表六 Activity 活动 Leadership Competency 领导能力 Developing Relationship Management Skills 开发关系管理技能 Instinctive Communication Styles 本能的沟通风格 Developing Relationship Management Skills 开发关系管理技能 The Passive Style 消极风格 “Flight”“逃避” I lose/You win 我输/你赢 Safety seeking 谋求安稳 I’m bad/you’re better 我不行/你比较好 Wants assurance 渴望保障 Avoids involvement 避免参与 Retaliates secretively 暗中报复 The Aggressive Style 激进风格 “Fight” “争斗” I win / You lose 我赢/你输 Dominance seeking 谋求支配地位 You’re bad/I’m better 你不行/我比较好 Wants control 渴望控制 Thrives on confronting 热衷对抗 Fights openly 公开争斗 Activity 活动 Timing is Everything. 时间就是一切。 Developing Relationship Management Skills 开发关系管理技能 Fight 争斗 Flight 逃避 OR 或


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