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Chengdu, the Chinese New Year customs 成都过年习俗 小孩小孩你别哭,过了腊八就杀猪 Like the old saying goes the song, after the Laba Festival, Chengdu began the New Year. People will start preparation stocking(年货), such as buying new clothes, buy shoes, buy special food and more, children will buy firecrackers(鞭炮). 腊月23,祭灶 每家都有一个灶神像,这一天要买灶糖,祭灶神。 Each one has a kitchen god photo and that day to buy candy kitchen, the Kitchen God worship( 祭拜). 二十四,扫房子 这一天,每家每户都会对家里进行彻底的清洁。据说这样会扫除一年的坏运气,干干净净迎新年。 On this day, every household to conduct a thorough house cleaning. It is said that this will wipe out old years bad luck, have a clean New Year. 三十晚上熬一夜 大年三十,嫁出去的女儿都会回娘家,和家人团聚,吃一顿丰盛的团圆饭,晚上回家守岁。这一天早上,我们主要吃汤圆,不吃饺子。 New Years Eve, will be married daughter back to her parents, and their families, eating a sumptuous reunion dinner(丰盛的团圆饭), stay up at night to go home. On this day in the morning, we mainly eat rice balls, but do not eat dumplings. 大年初一街上扭 初一,一般人们不会早起,也不会待在家里,也不会去别人家串门,一般会去游喜神方,就是向喜神在的方向走。 First day, people generally do not get up early, do not stay at home, do not go to someones home stopping by, generally going to 喜神方。 正月十六,过厚脸皮年 一般正月十五过后年就过完了,但在成都正月十六还要过一天,称为过厚脸皮年,这一天不能待在家里,要出门走走,叫做游百病。老人们说这样新的一年里可以健健康康。 After the fifteenth year of the general had finished, but also in Chengdu Sixteenth a day, had called cheeky(厚脸皮)years, this day can not stay at home, to go out for a walk, called the travel sickness. Old people say this new year can be perfectly healthy. THANKS! 就这样,在成都,腊八到正月十六,年就过完啦! In this way, in Chengdu, the laba to the Sixteenth , it had done for years!


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