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Logical Foundations of Artificial Intelligence 尹传环 School of computer Information Technology Beijing Jiaotong University Goal 了解人工智能领域的基本知识 掌握用一阶谓词逻辑表示知识的方法 掌握用归结原理求解问题的方法 了解非单调逻辑的基本思想和方法 能用上述原理和方法解决实际问题 Contents Chapter 1: Introduction Logical Approach to AI Chapter 2: Declarative Knowledge Chapter 3: Inference Chapter 4. Resolution Chapter 5. Resolution Strategies Expandation of Logical Approach Chapter 6. Nonmonotonic Reasoning Chapter 7. Induction (Machine Learning) Contents Chapter 8. Reasoning with Uncertain Belief (Knowledge Engineering) Modal Logic Chapter 9. Knowledge and Belief Chapter 10. Metaknowledge and Metareasoning Agent: Distributed Artificial Intelligence Chapter 11. State and Change Chapter 12. Planning Chapter 13. Intelligent Agent Architecture Related Courses Knowledge Engineering (董兴业) Machine Learning (于剑) Computational Intelligence (王志海) Data Ming (王志海) Distributed Artificial Intelligence Artificial Neural Network Text Book References Textbook: Logical Foundations of Artificial Intelligence. Genesereth and Nilsson, 1987. References: 人工智能:一种系统方法,M Tim Jones著,电子工业出版社(英文影印) 人工智能原理。石纯一等,清华大学出版社,1993 人工智能:一种现代方法(英文影印,第二版)。Russell, s. and Norvig, P.,清华大学出版社,2006.5 人工智能。史忠值等,国防工业出版社,2007 Evaluation Previous Courses:Discrete Mathematics; Artificial Intelligence Homework: 20% Final Report: 20% Final Exam.: 60% Chapter 1. Introduction What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? Origin and Development of AI Research Fields of AI Ways of AI research Artificial Intelligence 人工智能(Artificial Intelligence, AI) 起源于美国1956年的一次夏季讨论会(达特茅斯会议) 什么是AI 计算-算计 图灵测试 图灵其人 图灵测试 ---一种智能的测量方法 1950年英国数学家图灵(Turing)在 “计算机器与智力”一文中提出 图灵的一生 辉煌的成就:24岁提出图灵机理论,31岁参与COLOSSUS的研制,33岁设想仿真系统,35岁提出自动程序设计概念,38岁设计“图灵测验”。 特立独行的人生:上班途中戴防毒面具骑自行车、自行车掉链子前及时下车、因同性恋遭到拘捕、吃了泡在氰化物溶液中的苹果致死。发明Enigma破译德军密码,获得大英帝国授予的荣誉勋章 唯一一位获得图灵奖的华裔科学家——姚期智。 图灵测试(Turing Test) Turing Test 测试者:主持人C 被测试者


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