我若为王 (聂绀弩).ppt

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我若为王 (聂绀弩)

我若为王 If I Were King 聂绀弩 Nie Gannu 第一段 ①在电影刊物上看见一个影片的名字:《我若为王》。 ①Recently in a movie magazine I came across the title of a film: If I Were King. ②从这影片的名字,我想到和影片毫无关系的另外的事。 ②It has put me in mine of something entirely foreign to film in question. ③我想,自己如果作了王,这世界会成为一种怎样的光景呢? ③I wonder what would become of this world if I myself were king. ④这自然是一种完全可笑的幻想,我根本不想作王,也根本看不起王,王是什么东西呢? ④This is of course a ridiculous fancy, for being a king is the last thing I aspire to and also a thing I utterly despise. ⑤What the hell is a king? ⑤难道我脑中还有如此封建的残物么? ⑥How can I still be so feudalistic in my mind? ⑥而且真想作王的人,他将用他的手去打天下,决不会放在口里说的。 ⑦Moreover, if one is really bent on being a king, he will try to carry out his design by deeds instead of by words. ⑦但是假定又假定,我若为王,这个世界会成为一种怎样的光景? ⑧But, to put it hypothetically, suppose I were king, what would this world look like? 第二段 ①我若为王,自然我的妻就是王后了。 ①If I were king, my wife would of course be queen. ②我的妻的德性,我不怀疑,为王后只会有余的。 ②With all her moral excellence, of which I make no doubt, she would be more than qualified for being a queen. ③但纵然没有任何德性,纵然不过是个娼妓,那时候,她也仍旧是王后。 ③But even if she had no virtue to speak of, or were just a whore, she would be queen all the same. ④一个王后是如何地尊贵呀,会如何地被人们像捧着天上的星星一样捧来捧去呀,假如我能够想像,那一定是一件有趣的事情。 ④Imagine how noble and dignified a queen would be and how people would keep lauding her to the skies like mad! ⑤It is indeed great fun for me to visualize all of this. 第三段 ①我若为王,我的儿子,假如我有儿子,就是太子或王子了。 ①If I were king, my son, if any, would be crown prince or prince. ②我并不以为我的儿子会是一无所知,一无所能的白痴,但纵然是一无所知一无所能的白痴,也仍旧是太子或王子。 ②I don’t think my son will be ignorant or worthless in every way like an idiot. ③But, even if that were not the case, he would still be crown prince or prince. ③一个太子或王子中如何地尊贵呀,会如何被人们像捧天上的星星一样地捧来捧去呀。 ④Imagine how noble and dignified a crown prince or prince would be and how people would keep lauding him to the skies like mad! ④假如我能想像,倒是件不是没有趣味的事。 ⑤It is indeed great fun for me to visualize all of thi


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