我的课件 综合英语 Unit_11_The_Power_of_a_Good_Name.ppt

我的课件 综合英语 Unit_11_The_Power_of_a_Good_Name.ppt

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我的课件 综合英语 Unit_11_The_Power_of_a_Good_Name

Dictation Although to date there has no accurate statistics of home schoolers in China, /the increasing reports of the cases in the media suggest the number is growing. /Most parents who home school their children make the decision /because they do not believe their children can learn what they really need in school. /But the Compulsory Education Law states that when children have reached school age,/ their parents or guardians shall send them to school to receive a nine-year compulsory education. /In the United States, where home education is legal, /home schoolers’ parents also worry about socialization. /Their concern is whether their children will be able to function well in the world without regular school experiences. /The simple relationship in the family may fail to stimulate full development of a childs personality. /In school, the interaction between teachers and students and among students, /even what the kid sees on the way to school, is part of socialization. /But some other experts advocate an open attitude towards the new form of home education. /They say that it signals the educational advancement of China /and from a long-term perspective, it is necessary to establish relevant laws and give support to those involved./ (15’) Read More –Judgment in the Cornfield Questions for reading comprehension: 1. What was the boy supposed to do in the cornfield that hot summer morning? 2. What can you learn about the narrator’s grandfather from the third and fourth paragraphs? 3. What was the boy daydreaming about before he was caught by the grandfather? 4. How did the grandfather educate the boy? 5. At the end of the story, the grandfather said that the boy would eat with the adults at home? What did he mean? 6. Do you think it is a good way to educate the young as the grandfather did? Why? Useful words expressions run wild [to grow or develop freely without any control] e.g. The ivy has run wild. /Let your imaginati


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