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VOCABULARY REVIEW attitudinal Interpersonal Conative Phatic Metalinguistic anorexia ideational Textual coherent 态度的 人际的 意动的 交际性的 元语言的 厌食症 概念的 语篇的 一致的 III. Some important distinctions in linguistics iv. Langue vs. Parole (Saussure) Langue Parole abstract linguistic system shared by all members of a speech community realization of langue in actual use a set of conventions and rules concrete use of the conventions and the application of the rules abstract concrete relatively stable varied III. Some important distinctions in linguistics iv. Langue vs. Parole (Saussure) What linguists should do is to abstract langue from parole. III. Some important distinctions in linguistics v. Competence vs. Performance Discussion: Discuss the relationship between one’s mastery of rules of a language and his actual use of language in concrete situations. III. Some important distinctions in linguistics v. Competence vs. Performance (Chomsky) 1. Competence: a language user’s ideal knowledge of the rules of his language 2. Performance: the actual use of language in concrete situations 3. What a linguist should do is to abstract the underlying system of rules from the data of performance. III. Some important distinctions in linguistics v. Competence vs. Performance (Chomsky) 4. Saussure: takes a sociological view of language; the notion of langue is a matter of social conventions. Chomsky: approaches language from a psychological point of view; competence is a property of the mind of each individual. III. Some important distinctions in linguistics vi. Traditional grammar vs. Modern linguistics Course in General Linguistics by F. de Saussure marked the beginning of modern linguistics. He founded Structuralism. III. Some important distinctions in linguistics vi. Traditional grammar vs. Modern linguistics Linguistics is descriptive while traditional grammar is prescriptive. Modern linguistics regards the spoken language as primary while traditional grammaria


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