技能训练 3册 学生用书 完形填空.doc

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技能训练 3册 学生用书 完形填空

Unit 1 Part Ⅴ Cloze Several years ago a college professor took a well-organized speech and scrambled it by randomly changing the order of its sentences. He then had a speaker 1 the original version to one group of listeners and the scrambled 2 to another group. After the speeches, he gave a test to see how 3 each group understood 4 they had heard. Not 5 , the group that heard the 6 , unscrambled speech scored much higher than 7 group. A few years later, two professors 8 the same experiment at another school. But 9 testing how well the listeners comprehended 10 speech, they tested to see what effects the speeches had 11 the listeners’ attitudes toward the speakers. They 12 that people who heard the well-organized speech believed the speaker 13 much more competent and trustworthy than 14 those who heard the scrambled speech. These are just two 15 many studies that show the importance of organization in speechmaking. You realize how difficult 16 to pay attention to the speaker, much less to understand the message. In fact, when students explain what they hope to learn from their speech class, they almost always put “the ability to organize my ideas more effectively” near the top of the list. This ability is 17 vital for speechmaking. Listeners have little patience with speakers who bounce wildly from idea to idea. Keep in 18 that listeners cannot flip back to a previous page if they have trouble 19 a speaker’s ideas. In this respect speech is much like a movie. A speaker must be sure that listeners can follow the progression of ideas from beginning to end. This requires that speeches 20 strategically. 1. A. delivered B. delivering C. delivers D. deliver 2. A. vision B. verse C. variation D. version 3. A. perfectly B. well C. good D. greatly 4. A. what B. that C. those D. which 5. A. surprisingly B. necessarily C. impressively D. essentially


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