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动静相宜 诗意奔跑 ——?2016抹茶马拉松清新来袭! A?Tranquil?and?Poetic?Run---2016?Matcha?Marathon Now?Open?for?Registration! 上海铁人STC 一山茶园,一汪碧水 一盏抹茶清香,陪着孩子,自在奔跑 In Tea garden and along the blue river, Matcha fragrance everywhere, Let’s run with our children. 2016年4月24日 24,April,2016 抹茶马拉松 伴随诗意启程 Matcha marathon,now open. 抹茶,一缕专注的清香 Matcha: A wisp of fragrance 抹茶源于中国,兴起于唐朝,鼎盛于宋朝。这是一门古老而专注的茶道艺术,也是一味贴近自然、雅俗共赏的茶饮。“碧云引风吹不断,白花浮光凝碗面。”正是唐代诗人卢仝对抹茶的赞美。 Matcha originates from China. It rose to market during the Tang Dynasty and came to blossom during the Song Dynasty. This is an ancient and tea-ceremony art that needs special attention, which has a taste of nature and can be enjoyed by people of all walks of life. Lu Tong, a poet from Tang Dynasty wrote:”Green cloud brings constant wind; white blossom surfaces on the smoothly glowing bowl”, which shows his compliments to matcha. 自明朝以后,由于中国茶的制作工艺和饮用方法发生巨大变化,抹茶文化渐渐淡出了国人的视线。但跨越漫漫历史长河,抹茶这门古老的茶饮艺术又在今天焕发全新的魅力。不仅仅有 琴棋书画诗酒茶的雅致,更有柴米油盐酱醋茶的趣味。一方面,古老而优雅的茶道艺术,在今天依然被爱好者视为一种身心合一的修行。另一方面,颜值精美、口味清新的各类抹茶食品已然是繁华都市里一脉流行风向。 Since the Ming dynasty, due to the great changes of craft and methods of Chinese tea drinking, matcha culture gradually faded away from the public. But now, the ancient matcha drinking art has once again shown its glamour after such a long time. It is not only a common delicacy in peoples daily life, but also a kind of refined pleasure. On one hand, the elegant tea art is still taken as a way to achieve the harmonious state of body and mind; on the other hand, matcha food with its good favor and appearance has become a popular trend in modern life. 千年茶缘——富盛·御茶村 Yucha village with a long history of tea 富盛御茶村,坐落于会稽山南麓,这是一片神奇的茶园。这里的茶叶种植可追溯至唐、宋,这片茶园不仅是中国体量最大的抹茶园,也是“爱茶皇帝”宋徽宗的最后归宿——作为中国最爱茶的皇帝、《大观茶论》的撰写者,赵佶最终葬于御茶村,即宋六陵。 Yucha village, located at the southern foot of Kuaiji mountain,is an amazing tea garden.The history of tea planting here can be traced from Tang, Song dynasty. The tea garden is not only the biggest one in China, but also the burying pla


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