拓展模块healrh care and epidemis.ppt

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拓展模块healrh care and epidemis

Teaching aims 知识与技能 1识记本节课单词表中的单词并能正确使 用;初步了解break out等短语的含义及用法。 2. 能快速阅读和精读,从材料中获取重要的信息,找到细节信息。 过程与方法 在略读和查读的过程中获取文中的重要信息,了解文章的结构,利用上下文推断部分生词的含义,提高理解语篇的能力。 情感态度与价值观 积极参与活动,培养合作精神,提高英语兴趣,懂得流行病及保健方法 客户信息服务科 Unit 9 Health care and Epidemics Fast reading Get the main idea of each paragraph Para 1. how epidemics break out. Para 2. the effect of epidemics. Para 3. people’s attitude towards victims. Para 4. introduce a non-fatal disease—flu. Para 5. some medicine relieves flu symptoms. Para 6. some diseases can be prevented. Para 7. prevention costs less than treatment. main idea of each paragraph Careful reading Read the passage carefully and slowly to get more detailed information,then finish the exercise on Page 108 Suggested answers 1. infectious diseases 2. in Europe in 1347 destroyed great disasters 3. cruel to victims fired them out of their apartment transportation services 4. sixty-five suffering from other medical conditions 6. to provide preventive health care Suggested answers 5. be prevented by injecting a liquid vaccine Post reading do an interview reporter medical experts 达 标 检 测 一 基础训练 英汉互译 1 突发,爆发 _______ 2 对残忍、无情______ 3 拒绝做某事 _______ 4 遭受(痛苦或苦难)______ 5 采取措施 _______ 6 destroy _______ 7 fire _______ 8 relieve _______ 9 apartment _______ 10 injectinto _______ suffer from break out refuse to do take measures be cruel to 摧毁 毁坏 解雇 撵走 减轻 缓解 住处 公寓 注射 给打针 二 能力训练: 翻译句子 1.他们对动物很残忍。 2.上周他被解雇了。 3.他正在受着头疼的折磨。 They are cruel to animals. He was fired last week. He is suffering from headache. 1. read the text again. 2. finish the exercise 2 on page 109. 3. surf the internet to find more information about epidemics and health care.


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