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Jiejin College English Reading 4 Chapter 8 Breakthroughs Breakthroughs This chapter is about science and improving life for human beings. The first reading, Trees for Democracy, is an excerpt of Wangari Maathais speech, given when she received the Nobel Peace Prize. Students will develop skills including previewing a speech, building new words with prefixes and suffixes, finding evidence to disprove false arguments, identifying compound words, analyzing an author’s point of view, reading timelines understanding idiomatic phrases in contexts, distinguishing fact from opinion, and reading for speed and fluency. Steps: Before you read : 1.Target vocalulary 2.Deal with EX1 and EX2 Reading: 3 Analysis of language points 4.Text study After you read: 5. Writing 6. Exercises Part 1 Reading skills and Strategies Trees for Democracy Before You Read P198 EX1 Previewing a Speech Kikuyu [kiku:ju:] n. (肯尼亚)基库尤人[语] ; 吉库尤人(肯尼亚中部居民) Kenya [ki:nj?, kenj?] n. 肯尼亚/ Africa 3. trees 4. Poverty 5. Green Belt n. 城市绿化带 Strategy : Building new words with Prefixes and Suffixes P198 Ex 2 Unsuitable 2. nutritious 3. erosion 4. Conservation 5. ecological 6. primarily Degradation 8. deterioration 9. deforestation 10. Advocacy 11. harassment 12. desertification Warm up Questions Do you know of any environmental movements? How do you think planting trees might help a country What kind of obstacles would you guess a woman like Maathai might face in starting an environmental movement? Read: Introduction: Great journeys often with one small step. Wangari Maathai’s 旺加里·马塔伊 Green Belt Movement绿带运动is based on a simple idea, planting trees. Because of the place she was born and the fact that she was a woman, she had to face immense obstacles巨大的障碍to put her idea into practice. Her speech , which follows, describes her work, the reasons that make it effective and some of the difficulties she had to overcome. Background


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