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揭阳市2013-2014学年度高中二年级学业水平考试英语科参考答案 完形填空 1--5 BBCDA 6--10 CAABB 11--15 DCADC 语法填空 16. that 17. to produce(目的) 18. are called 19. which 20.natural 21. Without 22. when 23.It 24. unluckily 25. up. 阅读理解及信息匹配: 26-30.BDCAD? 31-35.BCDAB 36-40. DCBBB 41-45. CABDC 46-50. DBFCE 这是你学校学生会最近在全校高中学生中进行的一次“你是否在上课时记笔记?”的调查。你作为校报记者,请用英语将调查的情况写成一篇短文刊登在校报上。 【写作内容】 调查范围和对象全体高中学生,共2105人调查结果55%的学生记笔记,他们的学习成绩都较好. 45%的学生没记笔记,其中有的人认为课堂上认真听讲比记笔记更重要,有的想记笔记但不知如何下手,他们迫切需要老师的帮助。你对调查结果的看法教师应该培养学生课堂做笔记的能力 carry out /conduct/perform a survey take notes 做笔记 carefully/attentively/closely 仔细地 for lack of 由于缺乏...... be badly in need of... 非常需要...... properly 正确地 improperly 不正确地 be supposed to do =should do sth focus on 集中注意力在...... make progress 取得进步 so as to do /in order to do 为了做...... 1.Recently a survey on “Do you take notes in class?” has been carried out among all the 2105 senior students in our school. 2.According to the survey, 55% of the students surveyed often take notes in class, which contributes to getting their studies improved. 3.However, 45% of them don’t take notes, some of whom think that listening to the teacher attentively is much more important than taking notes in class. 4.Others want to take notes,but they can’t for lack of the skill,so they are badly in need of help from teachers. 5.As far as I am concerned, since so many students don’t know how to take notes properly, teachers are supposed to focus more on improving students’ skill of taking notes so as to help them make greater progress in study. Once a young man was in love with a girl and folded 1,000 paper cranes for her. Although his future didnt seem bright, they were very happy together. But one day, his girlfriend told him she was going to Paris and would never come back. Heartbroken, the young man started working even harder, trying to make something out of himself. Finally he set up his own business. ??? O



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