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The early history of Monaco is primarily concerned with the protective and strategic value of the Rock of Monaco, the areas chief geological landmark, which served first as a shelter for ancient peoples and later as a fortress.? From the 1200s to the early 1400s, the area was contested for primarily political reasons; since that point, excepting a period of French occupation from 1789 to 17 May 1814, it has remained steadily under the control of the House of Grimaldi.? ?摩纳哥早期的历史是与具有守卫及战略意义的摩纳哥之石联系在一起的,那是该地区主要的地理标记,起先是作为原始人的躲避之地,后来成为军事要塞。从13世纪到15世纪早期,该地区成为各种政治力量争夺的对象。从那以后,该国一直在格里马尔迪(Grimaldi)家族的统治下,除了1789年到1814年5月17日间曾被法国占领。? Designated as a protectorate of the Kingdom of Sardinia in 1815 by the Congress of Vienna after Napoleons defeat, Monacos sovereignty was confirmed by the Franco-Monegasque Treaty of 1861. 拿破仑战败后,1815年的维也纳会议确立摩纳哥为撒丁王国的一个保护国,直到1861年的弗朗哥-摩纳哥条约签订,摩纳哥的主权才被确立。 The Prince of Monaco was an absolute ruler until a constitution was promulgated in 1911. 根据1911年颁布的宪法的规定,摩纳哥的王子具有绝对的统治权。 In July 1918, a treaty was signed providing for limited French protection over Monaco. 1918年7月,一项条约被签订,要求法国给予摩纳哥一定保护。 The treaty, written into the Treaty of Versailles, established that Monegasque policy would be aligned with French political, military, and economic interests. 该条约被写进凡尔赛公约,规定了摩纳哥的政策 必须与法国的政治、军事、经济利益一致。 A new constitution, proclaimed in 1962, abolished capital punishment, provided for female suffrage, and established a Supreme Court to guarantee fundamental liberties. 1962年,新的宪法颁布,其中废除了死刑,赋予女性选举权,并确立了最高法院具有保障基本自由的权利。 ?In 1993, Monaco became an official member of the United Nations with full voting rights.? 1993年,摩纳哥以全票通过成为了联合国正式成员。 In 2002, a new treaty between France and Monaco clarifies that if there are no heirs to carry on the dynasty, the Principality will remain an independent nation rather than revert to the French.? Monacos military defence, however, is still the responsibility of France.? ? Prince Albert, Marquis o


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