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William Stallings Data and Computer Communications 7th Edition Chapter 22 Distributed Applications Electronic Mail Most heavily used application on any network Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) TCP/IP Delivery of simple text messages Multi-purpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME) Delivery of other types of data Voice, images, video clips SMTP RFC 821 Not concerned with format of messages or data Covered in RFC 822 (see later) SMTP uses info written on envelope of mail Message header Does not look at contents Message body Except: Standardize message character set to 7 bit ASCII Add log info to start of message Shows path taken Basic Operation Mail created by user agent program (mail client) Message consists of: Header containing recipient’s address and other info Body containing user data Messages queued and sent as input to SMTP sender program Typically a server process (daemon on UNIX) Mail Message Contents Each queued message has: Message text RFC 822 header with message envelope and list of recipients Message body, composed by user A list of mail destinations Derived by user agent from header May be listed in header May require expansion of mailing lists May need replacement of mnemonic names with mailbox names If BCCs indicated, user agent needs to prepare correct message format SMTP Sender Takes message from queue Transmits to proper destination host Via SMTP transaction Over one or more TCP connections to port 25 Host may have multiple senders active Host should be able to create receivers on demand When delivery complete, sender deletes destination from list for that message When all destinations processed, message is deleted Optimization If message destined for multiple users on a given host, it is sent only once Delivery to users handled at destination host If multiple messages ready for given host, a single TCP connection can be used Saves overhead of setting up and dropping connection Possible Errors Host unreachable Host out of operation TCP conne



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