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XXXXX毕业论文 姓 名: 学 号: 班 级: 指导老师: 题目:数控滑台的设计 技术要求: 滑鞍垂直于丝杠方向宽度600~800mm 滑鞍平行于丝杠方向尺寸600~800mm 滑台行程500~700mm 滑台总高度500mm~600mm 滑鞍及移动部件总质量500~1000kg 滑鞍最大移动速度15m/min 移动部件的定位精度由丝杠及伺服电机来保证,设计时可暂不考虑 导轨用普通导轨,不能选用直线运动导轨 摘要 从20世纪中叶数控技术出现以来,数控机床给机械制造业带来了革命性的变化。数控加工具有如下特点:加工柔性好,加工精度高,生产率高,减轻操作者劳动强度、改善劳动条件,有利于生产管理的现代化以及经济效益的提高。数控机床是一种高度机电一体化的产品,适用于加工多品种小批量零件、结构较复杂、精度要求较高的零件、需要频繁改型的零件、价格昂贵不允许报废的关键零件、要求精密复制的零件、需要缩短生产周期的急需零件以及要求100%检验的零件。数控机床的特点及其应用范围使其成为国民经济和国防建设发展的重要装备。数控机床From the mid-twentieth century numerical control technology to emerge, NC machine tools for mechanical manufacturing industry has brought the revolutionary change. NC machining has the following characteristics: machining flexibility, high machining accuracy, productivity high, reduce labor intensity, the operator to improve working conditions, be helpful for production management modernization and improve the economic benefits of the. CNC machine is a kind of high integration of machinery products, applicable to small batch processing varieties parts, the structure is relatively complicated, higher accuracy of the parts, the need for frequent daken parts, expensive dont allow discard of the key parts, requirements of precision copy parts, need to shorten the production cycle of urgently needed parts and 100% inspection requirements of parts. Numerically-controlled machine tools characteristics and application scope make it become national economic and national defense construction development important equipment. KEY WORDS: numerical control machine CNC Slip sets screw 目录 摘要 2 ABSTRACT 3 第 1 章 数控滑台的结构设计和设计方案 7 1.1 数控滑台的结构设计 7 1.2 数控滑台的总体设计方案 7 第 2 章 滚珠丝杠副的计算 8 2.1 滚珠丝杠副支撑方式的选择 8 2.2 丝杠导程P的确定 8 2.3 承载能力校核 8 2.3.1 切削力的计算 8 2.3.2 摩擦阻力F1的计算 9 2.3.3 承载能力校核 9 2.3.4 确定允许的最小螺纹底径 10 2.3.5 初步确定滚珠丝杠副的规格代号 11 2.3.6 确定滚珠丝杠副预紧力 11 2.3.7 行程补偿值与与拉伸力 11 2.3.8 确定滚珠丝杠副支承用的轴承代号、规格 12 2.3.9 滚珠丝杠副工作图设计 12 2.3.10 传动系统刚度 13 2.3.11 刚度验算及精度选择 15 2.3.12 验算临界转速 17 第 3 章 交流伺服电机选择计算 19 3.1 计算折算到电动机轴上的负载惯量 19 3.2 计算折算到电机轴上



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