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成绩 大 连 科 技 学 院 文 献 检 索 题 目 浅析民营企业内部审计存在的问题及对策 学生姓名   djkf 专业班级 会计************ 学 号   ^^^^^^^^   指导教师 ^^^^^^^ 完成日期 2013年 6 月28日 1. 检索策略 1.1 选择检索工具 检索工具名称 访问方式 国研网 /Default.aspx?version=Edu CNKI期刊全文数据库 http:// / Springer外文全文数据库 http:// / 百度有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站 1.2 选择检索词 民营企业审计 民营企业内部审计存在的问题 民营企业内部审计存在的问题及对策 1.3 选择年度范围 2008-2013年 2. 检索步骤及检索结果 2.1国研网/中国科技论文在线 2.1.1 检索式 B.篇名=民营企业审计 2.1.2 检索步骤与结果 用检索式A进行检索,命中10条结果,选出其中1条:[1]连桂芝. 试论内部审计在民营企业中的运用与发展[J]. 中国总会计师,2009,07:81-82.Abstracts of Documents in This Supplement Political Science Abstracts (1997) Look Inside Get Access Chapter Management of Agency in Corporate Governance This chapter will give an introduction to how the firm can manage its own agency relationships. This chapter will also explain the legal corporate governance tools available to a controlling shareholder who wa... Professor Petri M?ntysaari in The Law of Corporate Finance: General Principles and EU Law (2010) Look Inside Get Access Chapter Nature and Content of Audits ? During audits, an independent party compares the existing condition to predetermined criteria (such as US-GAAP, or the policies and procedures of the organization). Internal Audit Handbook (2008) Look Inside Get Access Chapter Equity and Shareholders’ Capital An entity’s “equity” is usually defined as a residual claim to its net assets. It ranks after liabilities as a claim to the entity’s assets. “Equity” is contrasted with liabilities. Liabilities are claims that... Professor Petri M?ntysaari in The Law of Corporate Finance: General Principles and EU Law (2010) Look Inside Get Access Article Efficiency and effectiveness control based on economic analysis: The example of the Austrian court of audit The purpose of this article is fivefold: First, we demonstrate the potential and importance of central auditing in Austria in section 2.1 before identifying the c



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