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新2 L31

L31 success story What qualities must a person have to build up a successful business? Bill Gates - Cofounder and chairman, Microsoft Corporation He founded Microsoft company with 1 helper in 1975. helper n.→帮手→assistant Steve Jobs co-founder and CEO of Apple Before he became the CEO of Apple, he saved money for Pixar which later belongs to Disney. save Vt.1)拯救,挽救 save one’s life save one’s face 2)积蓄 save money save it for a rainy day. What’s his name? Frank Hawkins Who is he? He is the head of a very large business company 一般过去时/过去进行时 Used to →表示过去有 但现在已不存在的现象 →否定和疑问句 Used he to smoke? Did he use to smoke? 都正确。但是did比较常用 Let’s see some pictures, and tell me about his success story. * hard work patience confidence ambition But every succesful man has his own successful personal experiences creation Thomas Alva Edison (Feb. 11th, 1847-- Oct.18th, 1931) was an American inventor who invented many important inventions. Phonograph 留声机 Dictaphone 录音机 Radio 无线电 Electric bulb 电灯泡 Autographic printer 印刷机 v. help er v. employ 雇佣 employ er n.雇主 employee 被雇的人 拯救生命 挽回面子 存钱 未雨绸缪 Thomas Elva Edison cofounder and CEO of Apple Electric bulb He founded Microsoft company with 1 helper in 1975. Bill Gates He saved money for Pixar which later belongs to Disney.


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