实用英语写作(pract的ical english writing)11.ppt

实用英语写作(pract的ical english writing)11.ppt

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实用英语写作(pract的ical english writing)11

1. Party B agrees to rent from Party A Room No. 103 of Yunxiang building located on 108 Nanjing Road. The floorage adds up to 130㎡. Public facilities excluded, the actual area rented is 104㎡. 2. The rent for the room is US $1,000 per month. The amount of the security deposit is US $ 3, 000, at no time to be applied as rent. 3. Party B should pay off the full rent of each quarter within 15 days of the first month. If Party B fails to pay the rent for three months, Party B is liable for unpaid rent, and in addition, Party A may terminate the lease. Evaluation only. Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile Copyright 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd. 4. Party A ensures that Party B may have a reasonable use of the room within the term of the present contract and that Party B has the full power to deal with all the problems in the management of the room. In the management of the room, Party B should pay the charges of water, electricity, gas, upkeep, telephone and telex thus sustained. 5. The lease term of the room is 3 years. Beginning from January 5, 2007, Party A turns the room over to Party B for use and management, and reassumes the room on January 5, 2010. When the lease term expires, Party B is given priority in further renting under similar conditions if Party A continues to lease. Evaluation only. Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile Copyright 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd. 6. within lease term, Party A can not re-lease the room in the contract to a third Party. If both parties want to terminate the contract at the expiration date, they should notify each other three months before the contract expires and go through formalities of the transfer of the room and all the lease documents. 7. Party A legally owns the room in this contract. Party B under no cir


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