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` Customer Profiling Questionnaire (CPQ) – Corporate Account 客戶分析問卷 ─ 公司帳戶 1. This Customer Profiling Questionnaire (“Questionnaire”) is designed to base on your company’s financial situation help us understand your investment objective, investment horizon, level of knowledge and experience with investment products, and risk tolerance level of your company, based on which we can conduct suitability assessment before your company invests. 本問卷旨在根據貴公司當前的財務狀況幫助我們了解貴公司當前的財務狀況、投資目標、投資期望、投資產品知識和經 驗以及風險承受能力,以便我們在貴公司投資前可以進行適合性評估。 2. Your answers to this Questionnaire for your company will provide indications of the risk profile that describes the typical investor traits of your company, which, however, may not accurately represent your company’s actual risk tolerance level and the suitability of any investment product for your company. 閣下代表貴公司回答此問卷 ,將提供擁有貴公司典型投資特徵的投資者的風險狀況的描述 ,但未必能準確反映貴公司的 實際風險承受能力及任何投資產品對貴公司的適用性。 3. Your company acknowledges that the information provided in this Questionnaire is complete, accurate and up-to-date. It is your company’s responsibility to notify us in a timely manner of change in your company’s circumstances that may affect your company’s suitability assessment. 貴公司確認此問卷中提供的信息是完整,準確和必威体育精装版的。如果貴公司的情況有任何轉變,貴公司有責任盡快通知我們, 以免有可能影響我們對貴公司的適合性評估。 4. You are advised to seek independent financial advice for your company before completing this Questionnaire should your company deem necessary. 我們建議貴公司如有需要,請閣下於填寫前進行獨立財務諮詢。 5. This Questionnaire shall be completed by the major Director and/or Authorized Person of the Company wh o will be authorized to make investment decision for the Company 本問卷必須由公司授權作出投資決定的主要董事及/或授權人士填寫。 Na


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