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Apr. 2007, Volume 5, No.4 (Serial No.43) US-China Foreign Language, ISSN 1539-8080, USA A Study of Peer Error Feedback ZHENG Chun-xian1, 2 (1. Foreign Languages School, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, Hangzhou 310023; 2. Foreign Languages School, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058) Abstract: In the writing instruction in the EFL/ESL context, error correction is always something that baffles teachers. Literature review indicates that peer revision can be an alternative to teacher correction. But few study is done on how well students can perform the peer revision activity, and what is left for the teacher in the error correction. This study aims at the exploration of the answer to these two questions through a tentative experiment, with the result that students can correct most of the errors quite well except word choice, collocation and some other global errors. Key words: writing instruction; error correction; peer revision 1. Problem In the writing instruction of college non-English majors, feedback on errors in the students’ composition is always something teachers feel troublesome because of the large population of students a teacher has to teach and the various errors or mistakes there are in students’ compositions. On the other hand, even if a teacher is conscientious enough to correct all the mistakes, will it be a positive way to help students learn? Talks with teachers and students illustrate the answer is almost negative. Most students just look at the marks teachers give and ignore the error corrections at all. Worst of all, if a student’s composition is full of red ink, he may be frustrated and his interest and confidence in leaning


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