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42个生活小点子(国外英语资料) 42 tips for life How do 1. towel sticky smell? The towel is used for a long time, will emit a smell and sticky. Usually people are used to washing with soap, but the more they wash, the more sticky they are. At this time, brine can be rubbed (a towel can put a teaspoon of fine salt), then blanched with warm water then scrub, and finally washed with water. This towel does not smell, not sticky. Also, wipe face towels for a long time to restore to soft appearance, the best way is to use water and washing powder, boil with the pot for thirty minutes. 2., how to prevent eating red fire? Love to eat lychee but afraid of hot, eat litchi, can drink plenty of water, also can use 20 - 30 grams of raw meat or pork soup pot or drink, and dates together boil water to drink, can prevent angry. Litchi can also be immersed in the skin of dilute salt water, and then placed in the freezer, ice consumption, not only will not get angry, but also to resolve stagnation, but also increase appetite. If you have 1 cups of lychee tea fried with lychee leaves (Shai Gan), you may also resolve the delays and diarrhea caused by eating too much lychees. Litchi attributes warm dry, yin deficiency fire, the best people to eat less (once in 0.25 kg). If you are long acne, cold sores, or acute inflammation, are not suitable for litchi, otherwise it will aggravate the disease, but the body deficiency, stomach is appropriate to eat. Everyone should pay attention to good food, can not eat too far, the body is the capital of revolution oh. 3. easy to peel grapefruit skin tips Shaddock tastes good, but skin is hard to peel. Many people like to eat crisp grapefruit, because the skin is not good to peel and give up delicious, but not our style! Man is wise! You can solve this problem with a little skill! Next time, remember to put the grapefruit on a smooth hard table and rub it several times, so that the grapefruit will have a close contact with the table. It will separate the skin and me


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