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itemset6详细[说明](国外英语资料) Field structure {item name, items 1, 2 items, special function parameter, Seiko mark (INSLAY embedded mark), unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, the use of goods to achieve special function, put on equipment to achieve special functions, and equipment to achieve special functions, items thrown out the change. Pick up items change, the item is equipped with automatic resurrection function, item number, object shape code, the store sells goods price, item type, the state, the role of props, level, variable count (-1 invalid), unknown, food, synthetic raw materials labeled unknown. Unknown, unknown, suit setting, props props lasting, durable, increase attack damage, reduce the damage, whether the complete code, the minimum number of attacks, most of the minimum number of attacks, attack, attack the maximum, minimum, maximum, minimum maximum sensitivity 敏,最小增加HP,最大增加HP,最小增加MP,最大增加MP,最小运气,最大运气,最小增加魅力,最大增加魅力,回避率最小值,回避率最大值,属性设置(0-4),属性值(0-100),魔法代码,命中率,耗费的MP,格挡率(千分之),攻击顺序(百分之),负重增加量,未知,未知,毒耐性最小值,毒耐性最大值,未知耐性,未知耐性,睡耐性最小值,睡耐性最大值,石耐性最小值,石耐性最大值,酒耐性最小值,酒耐性最小值,混耐性最小值,混耐性最大值,会心一击最小值,会心一击最大值,未知,未知,未知,未知,未知,是否可存仓,是否可料理、合成,材料组成1,未知,材料组成2,未知,材料组成3,未知,材料组成4,未知, The material composition of 5, 1, item name unknown}, need not say (^_^) 2, item description 1, for the item (lasting 100) name for the item text description and the system before the tip (the use of equipment, etc., picked up the case) 3, 2 for the description of goods, items of the description of the item (+1? Sensitive block rate +10% mirror), 4 fairies and so on special function parameters, parameters with back several items, use and discard, pick up and so on to produce a series of function settings in addition, specific examples of the fire spirit mission in the torch, using single parameter: Time60, said there is a time limit of 60 points; the use of parameters alone: EXPUP 100 pet, pet equipment after said gain combat experience 100%; using single parameter: EXPUP100 said equipment increa


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