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中文摘要 随着我国经济建设的快速发展,人们对交通的需求快速增长,城市交通量 逐年增加,引起的交通问题日益突出,已经严重制约着城市的经济发展。城市 公共交通以其人均占用道路面积小、人均造成的污染低等的特点成为解决城市 交通问题的有效途径。目前我们国内一些城市的常规公交服务水平低不能满足 城市居民对公共交通的需求,同时受我国经济条件的制约,轨道交通的发展水 平有限。在这样的情况下,快速公交(BRT)系统适合我国目前的情况,是解决国 内目前交通问题的有效途径。 常用的快速公交优先方法大致可以分为三大类:一为空间优先;二为时间 优先;三为政策优先。本文主要研究时间优先措施。首先,对快速公交优先基 础理论进行了研究;其次,基于交叉口乘客的总延误最小对交叉口的信号配时 做了优化设计。最后,以济南市北园大街与无影山路交叉口作为实施 BRT 优先 的案例进行分析。 关键词:快速公交系统,BRT交叉口信号优先,优化措施 Abstract With the development of urban economy, because the traffic of urban increase in the gross and the traffic problems of urban become increasingly severe, the traffic have become the bottle neck restricting urban economy. Because of less of the average dynamic occupying road and little pollution ,urban public is the main approach for the problems . At present, our domestic conventional bus services can not meet the low level of urban residents on public transport demand, while Chinas economy enough level, the level of development of rail transportation limited. In such circumstances, the set of conventional bus and rail transportation in a rapid transit system suited to Chinas present situation, is to solve the current traffic problems in the domestic effective way. Bus Rapid Transit priority commonly used method can generally be divided into three categories: a priority for the space; Second priority for the time; three priorities for policy. This article priority measures on time. First, the rapid transit on the basis of the theory; second, the intersection of passengers based on the total minimum delay of the intersection signal timing is designed to do. Finally, in Jinan Beiyuan Avenue and Wuyingshan Road intersection of network warfare as a priori


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