新视野视听说3Unit4 taste.pptx

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新视野视听说3Unit4 taste

Unit4 Taste the sweets and bitters ;;;Extended family;Work in groups and discuss the questions. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each of the four types of families? ;Basic Listening Practice;Basic Listening Practice; Nuclear family living patterns;A nuclear family is _________ in highly-industrialized societies. Beginning in the early 20th century, the two-parent family _________ as the nuclear family was the predominant American family type ________ children live with their parents until they go away to a college or university, or until they find jobs and acquire an ___________ or home of their own. In the early mid-20th century, the father was typically the _____ wage-earner, and the mother was the children’s __________ caregiver. Today, often both parents hold jobs. ___________________________________________ _________________________________. Increasingly, one of the parents has a non-standard shift, that is, a shift that does not start in the morning and end in the late afternoon. In these families, one of the parents manages the children while the other works. Prior to school, _________________________________________________, in recent years, many private companies and home-based day care centers have sprung up to fulfill this need. Increasingly, _________________________ ______________________________. Governments are providing assistance to that require day care as well;Views on filial piety see change;The things you can do to make your grandparents and parents happy;Further Listening;Further Listening;Further Listening;Further Listening;Nowadays, working mothers, househusbands the divorce rate is rising. people are getting married later or not at all Increased heterosexual and same-sex cohabitation Fewer couples are having children;The tendency of divorce;The main age of divorce;; FAMILY 家庭 Father And Mother, I Love You ;


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