新鲁教版 Unit 1 When was he born Section B2 精品自制.ppt

新鲁教版 Unit 1 When was he born Section B2 精品自制.ppt

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新鲁教版 Unit 1 When was he born Section B2 精品自制

Unit 1 When was he born? Section B2 Teaching Aims 1. 掌握本课所学单词及短语。 2.学会顺序写作的技巧,了解音乐家肖邦的生平及作品。 3.提高自己的阅读技能,获取文章大意,并学会写总结。 * Do you know of any famous pianists? 朗朗 李云迪 赵胤胤 理查德 傅聪 刘伟 What do you know about Chopin? 弗雷得里克·肖邦(Frederic Chopin, 1810-1849)波兰音乐家,自幼喜爱波兰民间音乐,七岁写了《波兰舞曲》,八岁登台演出,不满二十岁已成为华沙公认的钢琴家和作曲家。后半生正值波兰亡国,在国外渡过,创作了很多具有爱国主义思想的钢琴作品,抒发自己的思乡情、亡国恨。有与波兰民族解放斗争相联系的英雄性作品,如《第一叙事曲》、《降A 大调波兰舞曲》等;有充满爱国热情的战斗性作品,如《革命练习曲》、《b小调谐谑曲》等;有哀恸祖国命运的悲剧性作品,如《降b小调奏鸣曲》等;有怀念祖国、思念亲人的幻想性作品,如不少夜曲与幻想曲。肖邦一生不离钢琴,所有创作几乎都是钢琴曲,被称为“钢琴诗人”。他在国外经常为同胞募捐演出,为贵族演出却很勉强。1837年严辞拒绝沙俄授予他的“俄国皇帝陛下首席钢琴家”的职位。舒曼称他的音乐象“藏在花丛中的一尊大炮”,向全世界宣告:“波兰不会亡”。晚年生活非常孤寂,痛苦地自称是“远离母亲的波兰孤儿”。临终嘱附亲人把自己的心脏运回祖国。 1.以某种顺序 2.···的顺序 3 1 2 Read Para 1 and answer Who was Chopin? Did you know some of his works? When and where was he born? How was Chopin’s family? When did his family move? And where? Read Para 1 and answer Who was Chopin? Did you know some of his works? When and where was he born? Fryderyk Chopin was a famous pianist and music writer(钢琴家和作曲家). Yes, such as Munite Waltz. 《一分钟圆舞曲》也叫《小狗圆舞 曲》 He was born on March 1, 1810 in a small village in Poland. Read Para 1 and answer 4. How was Chopin’s family? 5. When did his family move? And where? Everyone in Chopin’s family was a musician. His father played the violin, and his mother and sister played the piano. His family moved to Warsaw when Chopin was seven months old. Read Para 2 and answer When did Chopin start to take piano lessons? Did he play the piano well? How do you know? What did he also do at that time? When did he begin to give concerts? What did people think of him in 1825? Why did they call Chopin the poet of the piano? Read Para 3and answer When did Chopin start to take piano lessons? Did he play the piano well? How do you know? What did he also do at that time? When he was six years old, he started to take piano lessons. Yes, he did. Because he played even better than his teacher. At that time, he also starte


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