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Reference Book The Culture Of Japanese School Uniform Keynote Speaker;Sky The origin of Japanese school uniform Janpanese school have adopted uniforms since the late 19th century.Because of the convenience, the western style clothes was more popular than kimono(きまの). Since then, stand collar uniform and sailor suit which are in original form of army uniform came out. And at that time the gap between the rich and poor was very big,so that they unified the school uniform to reflect the equality of students. The kinds of school uniform Girls uniform: sailor suit (せ-ぅ-ふく) blazer type (ブレザ-タィブ) Sailor Suit(せ-ぅ-ふく) ? Sailor suit is one of the types of clothing, the origin of the sailor suit comes from the early British navy dress, also called sailor suit, deck. Later, it became popular as childrens clothing in Britain. The British navy was one of the most advanced armies in that time, so all countries came to follow its system of suits and clothing styles. ? Sailor suit is one of the most extensive uniforms, which has been changed for many times and very popular in many fields. Sailor suit is usually used as a primary school and middle school uniform. In winter they put on a coat or wear a checked woolen dress. In the animation, the sailor suit is more obvious, expecially in the type of campus. Sailor Suit(せ-ぅ-ふく) Her name is 渡边麻友(ゎたなべ まゅ),the new center of a girls group named AKB48. She will be the modle in the following PPT. Sailor Suit(せ-ぅ-ふく) Sailor Suit(せ-ぅ-ふく) Blazer type(ブレザ-タィブ) Despite the traditional sailor suit is still widely used, many schools have also begun to spread the blazer type using the parish school uniforms. In the 1980 s, Japans increasingly frequent events such as school violence and bullying became the major social problems. A lot of bad girls changed the sailor suit skirts length, damaged the image of the sailor suit, and so many schools began to abandon the sailor suit, to switch it to a suit j
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