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A popular sport;yoga 瑜伽;Origin of Yoga;瑜伽神奇的效果,超凡脱俗的感觉和无限的魅力,一次一又一次的得到了人们的验证。世界各地的明星,政要都把瑜伽当成首选的健身美体项目。就连美国好莱坞明星麦当娜都非常痴迷瑜伽,由于练习瑜伽,即使生过孩子以后还保持着非常完美的体型。 ;瑜伽不但效果神奇,而且广泛的适用于大众练习。它不需要大蹦小跳,练习频率舒缓,而且运动强度适中。在宁静、舒缓、祥和的气氛中,给人们带来健康、美丽、自信和快乐。 ;The Benefits of Yoga 瑜伽的益处;Second, the appearance and the mood of young: yoga reduce facial wrinkles, produces natural face lift effect .This is mainly attributed to handstand. 二、外观与心情的年轻:瑜伽减少面部皱纹,产生天然的“拉皮”效果。这主要归功於倒立。;Third, live longer: yoga affect all the conditions of brain, longevity and internal organs, spine glands. 三、活得更久:瑜伽影响所有长寿的条件:脑部、腺体、脊柱与内部器官。 ;Four, disease resistance: yoga exercises a strong physique, it can also increase immune.The strengthening of the resistance can deal with such as cancer from cold to all sorts of serious disease.;Five, improve eyesight and hearing 五、改善视力与听力;Six, mental mood: due to the improvement of the brain, which includes yoga glands nervous system components,Mental state of positive emotions naturally present. It makes you feel more confident and more warmly and optimistic.Daily life also can become more creative.;Time: generally speaking, people are using the morning, noon and sunset, or bedtime to practise yoga posture.In real yogi, 4-6 oclock in the morning is the best time to practice yoga,Because of this, the atmosphere around the sound purity, intestines and stomach, basic stop.Brain active, easy access to the deep practice yoga. 时间:一般来说,人们都是利用早晨、中午、黄昏或睡前来练习瑜伽姿势。 在真正的瑜伽行者看来,清晨4-6点才是练习瑜伽的最佳时刻,因为此时周围万籁俱寂,大气最为纯净,肠胃活动基本停止,大脑尚未活跃起来,容易进入瑜珈的深层练习状态。 ;Location: yoga can best in a clean, comfortable room, there is enough space let the body stretching.Avoid near any furniture. Inside the room, fresh air, and circulation freely inhaled oxygen.It will be best to placed greenery or flower inside the house, also you can play light music to help relax. ;Clothing: practice yoga posture should wear loose-fitting clothes with linen-cotton, soft texture is preferred,must guarantee freely and practice body unin


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