12-01 铁路大型箱梁预制场布置与规划_修改稿——(终稿).doc

12-01 铁路大型箱梁预制场布置与规划_修改稿——(终稿).doc

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12-01 铁路大型箱梁预制场布置与规划_修改稿——(终稿)

铁路大型箱梁预制场规划与布置 (中铁十二局集团第四工程有限公司, 西安 710021) 摘要:随着高速铁路建设的发展,双线900吨预应力整孔箱梁对制梁场的标准化、工厂化建设要求也越来越高。因此在梁场建设中必须坚持“整体设计、系统建设、优质高效、一次建成”的方针,坚持系统性、先进性、经济性、合理性与实用性相结合的原则,达到“一流的设计、一流的工程、一流的技术装备”的建设目标;本文结合京沪高铁及大西客专新制梁场的建设经验,从梁场选址、梁场规划布置设计和制梁设备的配备等方面对大型箱梁预制场的建设加以介绍,以供参考。 关键词:高速铁路;客运专线;大型箱梁预制场;规划与布置 Planning and Layout of Precasting Yard for Large-scale Railway Box Girder GAO Jun (The 4th Engineering Co., Ltd. of China Railway 12th Bureau Group, Xi’an 710021, China) Abstract: With the development of high-speed railway in our country, a higher standard is required for the construction of normalized and industrialized precasting yard to cast 900 t prestressed whole-span box girder for a double line railway. Therefore, the construction of girder yard must stick to the policy of “integral design, systematical construction, high-quality and high efficiency and fulfilling it with once-through construction” and the principle of “integrating systematicness, advancement, economy, rationality and practicality” to reach the construction target of “first-class design, first-class engineering and first-class technical equipment”. Combined with the construction experience of girder yard for Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway and Datong-Xi’an Passenger Dedicated Line, The paper introduces the construction of large-scale box girder precasting yard in respect of construction experience, site selection, planning , layout and design of girder yard and allocation of girder precasting equipment, which is expected to be reference for other similar projects. Key words: high-speed railway; passenger dedicated line; precasting yard for large-scale box girder precasting yard; planning and layout 1.1梁场选址原则 ⑴ 桥群集中地段设置梁场。全面考虑桥跨与梁型布置、工期、架桥机类型、地质状况等因素进行梁场选址,一般选择在桥群中心附近。(远离特殊结构物及村镇,水电便利地段作为预制场) ⑵ 临时工程量小。制梁场选址应选在地质条件较好的地方,尽量减少土石方工程和基础加固工程量,降低工程费用。 ⑶ 征地拆迁少。制梁场的选址要在满足制梁工期和存梁的前题下,少占用耕地,减少拆迁量。 ⑷ 交通方便。尽量与已有公路和施工道路相连,利于大型设备和大量材料的运输。 ⑸ 运梁距离较短。箱梁的运输和架设是施工组织的一个关键工序,较短的运输距离可确保箱梁运输安全和提高运架梁的施工进度,供应距离越近越合理。 ⑹ 考虑防洪排涝,确保雨


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