LMO-005 仓库管理制度.doc

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LMO-005 仓库管理制度

目标 Objectives: 规范库房的管理,合理利用仓储资源,保障公司生产制造与财产安全。 Regulate Warehouse management, optimize resource utility and ensure safety of production and manufacturing equipment. 范围 Scope: 物流各仓库 All sections of Warehouse 工具和设备 Tools and Equipment: 电话、传真和电脑 Telephone, Fax and Computer 工作环境 Work Environment: 仓库、堆场及其他仓储地点 Warehouse, Stacking yard and other storage areas 职责 Job Responsibilities: 记帐人员:认真、仔细登录每笔物资的出入单据,依据财务工作通知及时更新、调整各帐目数据,做到帐卡物数据一致;协助库管人员对库存物资进行收发和摆放的整理;根据库房管理制度规定监督一切违纪行为。 Accounts Staff: Meticulously record details of every GRV and MIO and promptly update records with Finance basis to achieve Finance and Warehouse accounts balance/uniformity. Assist Warehouse staff in acceptance and issuance of items, and arrangement of items in the warehouse. Control and regulate any violation of Warehouse Management policies. 库房管理人员(以下简称库管员):认真、仔细的按作业流程收发每单据物资,做到单据数与实物数一致;根据生产工作所需,按照摆放规划随时调整不规范摆放;按规定监督进、出库房的人员;对涉及到安全或摆放不合理的地方提出建议。 Warehouse staff: Meticulously follow workflow to process every GRV and MIO, achieve complete matching of paper and real accounts. Rearrange any misplaced items within the warehouse according to production needs. Monitor all staff in the Warehouse and provide feedback on safety and warehouse space management issues. 部门主管人员:详细、合理的对库房所存放物资进行摆放规划,随时调整影响安全和不规范的规划;监督记帐人员、库管员日常工作的开展;因工作所需协调、配合各部门工作的开展。 Department supervisor: Execute detailed, rational plan of inventory arrangement in the Warehouse and make relevant adjustments for safety considerations and according to plan. Monitor and supervise daily activities Accounts staff, Warehouse staff. Liaise and coordinate among various depts. according to working needs. 工作程序 Work Procedures: 工作纪律 Work Discipline 严守工作岗位,不擅离工作岗位、不窜岗、不做与工作无关的事情。 To remain at work location at all times, and not arbitrarily leave or engage in non-work related activities 服从领导工作安排,积极配合其他部门工作的开展。 Follow work arrangements and actively coordinate with other depts. to complete tasks assigned by superiors. 为按照相关制度规定办理手续,不得私自将库房内物资带出库房或公司。 Du


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