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第 12 卷第 2 期 信息工程大学学报 Vo l. 12 No.2 2011 年 4 月 Journal of Information Engineering University Apr.2011 一种分布式天线无线通信系统中的功率控制算法 张新祥,彭建华,郭淑明 (信息工程大学国家数字交换系统工程技术研究中心,河南郑州 450002) 摘要:提出了一种基于平均信道增益矩阵的分布式天线无线通信系统下行功率控制算法。该 算法根据接收端通过理想信道估计获得的信道状态信息(CS I) ,对各中心基站经光纤传送的 发射功率在其所属各天线单元处进行加权分配,在保证整个覆盖区域内的所有移动台达到平 衡的信干比的前提下使各个中心基站的发射功率达到最小。仿真结果表明,与现有的分布式 天线系统中的功率控制算法相比,新算法可以显著地降低各中心基站的发射功率,提高整个系 统的容量。 关键词:分布式天线;信道增益;功率控制;算法 中固分类号:TN820 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671 -0673(2011)02 一 0188-05 Novel Power Control Algorithm for the Distributed Antenna Wireless Communication Systems ZHANG Xin-xiang , PENG Jian-hua , GUO Shu-ming (National Digital Switch System Engineering Technological RD Center , Information Engineering University , Zhengzhou 45∞02 , China) Abstract: A power control algorithm for the downlink of a distributed antenna wireless communica- tion system is proposed by the use of the average channel gain matrix. On the basis of channel state information (CSI) the receiver obtains by the ideal channel estimation , the algorithm allocates the transmit power of the BS via optical fiber to each antenna at a weight relative to the channel gain be- tween antennas and mobile stations to minimize the transmit power of every BS under the condition that the SIR of all the mobile stations in the coverage area are balanced. Simulation results show that compared with the existing power control algorithm in distributei:l antenna systems , the new algorithm can significantly reduce


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