任意锥角有限长双锥天线电磁特性的仿真研究Ξ - 与非网.PDF

任意锥角有限长双锥天线电磁特性的仿真研究Ξ - 与非网.PDF

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任意锥角有限长双锥天线电磁特性的仿真研究Ξ - 与非网

第 18 卷  第 6 期 电  波  科  学  学  报 Vol. 18 ,No. 6           2003 年 12 月    CHINESE JOURNAL OF RADIO SCIENCE           December ,2003   文章编号 (2003) 任意锥角有限长双锥天线电磁特性的仿真研究 王  琪  阮成礼  王洪裕 ( 电子科技大学物理电子学院,qwyc56 @163. com , 四川成都 610054) 摘 要  运用基于有限元法的 HFSS 电磁场仿真技术,对任意锥角有限长的双锥天 线的电磁特性进行数值研究 ,得到了包括对称双锥、不对称双锥、盘锥等不同类型锥 体天线的阻抗特性和远区场辐射特性 ,特别是宽锥角下的宽频带特性等。计算结果 与实验值及其它理论数据较好地吻合 ,表明了电磁场数值仿真技术在天线设计中的 广阔应用前景。 关键词  双锥天线 , 宽频带特性 , 远区场辐射方向图 , 输入阻抗 , 数值仿真 , 有限 元法 中图分类号  TN82B     文献标识码  B Simulation study on the electromagnetic characteristics of the biconical antennas for f inite length and arbitrary WANG Qi  RUAN Chengli  WANG Hongyu ( ) School of Physical Elect ronics , U ES T of China , qwyc 56 @163. com , Chengdu Sichuan 610054 , China Abstract  By means of the HFSS EM simulation technology based on the finite element method , the characteristics of the input impedance and radiation pattern in the far zone are investigated for the biconical antennas with arbitrary cone angle and finite length , including the symmetrical bicone , asymmetrical bicone and discone. Special attention has been put to the analysis of the broadband performance of the large wideangle bicon ical antennas. The calculated results are in agreement with that of the measured and the other theories. It is indicated that the EM simulation technology has a bright future in the design of antenn


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