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2014 年 2 月 图 学 学 报 February 2014 第35 卷 第 1 期 JOURNAL OF GRAPHICS Vol.35 No. 1 基于nCode Design-Life 的某车架 疲劳可靠性分析 李成林, 宋莎莎, 韩振南 (太原理工大学机械工程学院,山西 太原 030024 ) 摘 要:针对某型半挂牵引车车架局部出现裂纹或者断裂现象,通过有限元理论 和疲劳分析理论相结合进行了车架的有限元分析和疲劳可靠性分析。首先对该车架进行了建 模和有限元静态特性分析,然后定义了特定的时间载荷序列数据和材料参数,选用了 S-N 疲劳设计和静态疲劳分析方法,利用疲劳分析软件nCode Design-Life 对该车架进行疲劳可 靠性分析,得出该车架的疲劳结果云图和各节点的疲劳寿命,并从相关云图中确定出车架容 易破坏的位置和其寿命之后再进行样车实验验证。 关 键 词:车架;疲劳可靠性;S-N 曲线;有限元;nCode Design-Life 中图分类号:U 463.32 文献标识码:A 文 章 编 号:2095-302X (2014)01-0042-04 Fatigue Reliability Analysis of Frame Based on nCode Design-Life Li Chenglin, Song Shasha, Han Zhennan (School of Mechanical Engineering, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan Shanxi 030024, China) Abstract: For the phenomenon that cracks or fracture appear on one Semi-Trailer frame, FEM and fatigue reliability analysis was done to the frame through combining FEM and fatigue theory. First, the finite element model of the frame was established and its static character was analyzed. Then by setting time series and material parameters, choosing S-N curve fatigue design and static analysis method, and adopting the nCode Design-Life, which is a specialized software, fatigue reliability analysis of the frame was conducted. Meanwhile, fatigue nephograms and fatigue life of every node were obtained. The nephograms showed the fatigue failure position and life of this Semi-Trailer frame. Finally prototype was verified after experimentation. Key words: frame; fatigue reliability analysis; S-N curve; FEM; nCode Design-Life 汽车工业发展到目前,全国半挂车保有量已


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