基于P 矩阵模型的声表面波胎压微传感器研究.PDF

基于P 矩阵模型的声表面波胎压微传感器研究.PDF

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基于P 矩阵模型的声表面波胎压微传感器研究

第2 1 卷 第6 期 传 感 技 术 学 报 V ol. 21 No. 6 2008 年6 月 CHINESE JOURNAL OF SENSORS AND ACT UATORS Jun. 2008 Study on a Novel SAW TPMS Sensor Based on the P-Matrix Model * LI UTie, ZHEN GL iang , H UH ong, LI Tian-li (H arbin Institute of Technology Shenz hen Graduate School , Shenzhen Guangdong 518055, hina) Abstract: T ire pressur e monitoring sy stem ( T PM S) is an electronic system monitoring the air pressur e in a pneumatic tir e at real time. T he goal of this paper is to analy e and optim i e the desig n of a nov el w ireless passive SAW sensor used in T PM S, v ia theoretical der iv ation and simulatio ns. For this purpose, a P-ma- trix w ith new expressio n is derived utili ing the coupling-of-mo des ( COM ) theory. The applicability and accuracy of the new P-matrix expression in analy ing the unitary sym metr y IDT and the reflector hav e been validated. T he analysis of the insert loss ( IL) of the novel SAW sensor based on this P-Matrix m odel re- v eals that this desig n has ex cellent performance in the aspect of insert lo ss. Key words: TP MS; SAW sensor; p-matrix ; insert lo ss EEACC: 230; 320V P * 刘 铁, 郑 亮 , 胡 泓, 李天利 ( , 5 18055) : , , P IDT P IDT SA W , : ; ; P ; :TP212. 1 :A :1004-1699( 2008)06-09 -04 ( T PM S) , ( COM ) [ 8-9] , P , TP MS SAW , , COM P : , P , IDT P , SAW , [ 1] 1 ( SAW) , SAW IDT , , SA W


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