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20 3 Vol. 20, No. 3 2005 6 ELECT RO- OPT IC T ECHNOLOGY APPLICAT ION June. 2005 : 1673- 1255( 2005) 03- 0007- 04 1, 2 1 2 2 邓元龙 , 姚建铨 , 阮双琛 , 孙秀泉 ( 1. , 300072; 2. , 518060; ) : , A BCD , M ( M 2) , LD , , MAT LA B , ) ) ) , . : ; ; ; :TB0435 : A Desi gn of lens coupling system between f ibers f or high power laser Beam 1, 2 1 2 2 DENG Yuan-lon , YAO Jian-quan , RU AN SHuan -chen , SUN Xiu-quan ( 1. I nstit ute of L aser D Op to-E lectr onics E ng ineer ing , Colleg e of P r ecision I nstr ume nt , T ian in Un iv . T ia n in 300072, China; 2. S chool of E ng ineer ing DTech nology , S he nz h en Univ e rsity , S he nz h en 5 18060, China) Abstract : Starin from the A B CD law of parax ial beam and the definition of mixin mode coefficient 2 M ( or M ) and w ith takin no account of the quadrantal deviation, the chan es throu h a lens of pos-i tion of beam. s w aist, w aist w idth and an le of diver ence w ere studied for the mixed mode beam ( Gaus- sian-Like beam) outputted from hi h power LD, then a strai htforw ard method to desi n the collimat- in -focusin fiber couplin system by tw o lens w as presented by employ in the optimum desi n tools of M ATLAB. Finally, a desi n instance of couplin system used in photonic crystal fiber lasers w as iven. Key words: couplin system ; Gaussian-Like beam ; fiber laser; optimum desi n 1963 ( American Optical , , [ 1, 2] Corporation) Znitzer Koestor . , , , , , , . ) ) )


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