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大直径高质量锑化铟单晶生长研究 王燕华 程鹏 王志芳 程波 陈元瑞 徐鹏艳 (华北光电技术研究所,北京 100015) 摘要:锑化铟单晶是制备3~5μm红外探测器的重要材料,为适应红外焦平面探测器大规模化发展的趋势我们开展了高质量3英寸锑化铟单晶生长研究。本文解决了大直径锑化铟单晶生长的关键技术,讨论了3英寸锑化铟单晶生长过程中的多晶原料提纯问题,以及单晶电性能参数控制、位错密度控制和直径控制问题,采用Czochralski法成功地在国内首次生长出直径3英寸的锑化铟单晶,其中直径大于3英寸的单晶长度超过100mm,单晶的位错密度小于100cm-2, 试验结果表明:相对于其他半导体单晶生长位错密度沿晶棒增大的分布规律,我们得到的锑化铟单晶位错密度沿晶棒从头至尾递减,单晶尾部位错密度可小于50 cm-2,单晶的电子迁移率,载流子浓度均满足制备高性能大规格红外焦平面探测器的要求。 关键词:锑化铟 大直径 单晶 位错密度 中图分类号:O782+.5 文献标识码:A Study of large high-quality InSb single crystal grwoth WANG Yan-hua,CHENG Peng,WANG Zhi-fang,CHENG Bo,CHEN Yuan-rui,XU Peng-yan (North China Research Institute of Electric-Optics,Beijing 100015,China) Abstract: InSb crystals are most important material for IR device fabrication in the 3~5μm wavelength range.Study of 3 inch high-quality InSb single crystal was carried out for the uptrend of IR focal plane arrays being large format. In this work,key technology of InSb crystal growth was figured out,and the purification of polycrystalline InSb,the electrics parameter control of crystal, the control of the dislocation density and the diameter control were discussed. 3 inch high-quality InSb single crystal with dislocation density less than 100 have been grown for the first time in China by Czochralski method, the length of crystal whose diameter larger than 3 inch is longer than 100mm. The results show :compare with the increase of other compounds crystal dislocation density along the ingot, the dislocation density of our crystal is decreased from the top to tail along the crystal ingot,the dislocation density of crystal tail could be reduced to less than 50 cm-2. The carrier concentration and mobility of the crystal was conformed to the requirements for the production of high performance large format IR focal plane arrays. Key words: InSb , Single crystal , Large-diameter , Dislocation density 引言 锑化铟是Ⅲ-Ⅴ族化合物半导体中禁带宽度最窄,迁移率最大的材料[1],其物理、化学性质稳定,被广泛应用于红外探测器及霍尔器件等方面。 红外探测器的量子效率与选用的红外敏感材料密切相关[2],锑化铟在3~5μm波段具有很高的量子效率,加上锑化铟在制备红外探测器上拥有低成本、性能稳定的优势,


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