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Unit OneText One Fresh Start II. Warm-up Exercises Do you remember your first days at college? Did anything special happen then? How many incidents does the author focus in his writing, what are they? How did Evelyn feel on her first arrival at the college campus? Where did Evelyn choose to sit in her first class? Why? In a strange place such as the meeting place where your supervisor will have his first name-calling, where will you choose to sit? How about a lecture which you may dislike? In the text, the footballer seems to be the idol of the author. what does your idol college student look like? What was the footballer’s response to the students’ cheers and claps when he fell on the cafeteria floor? What insight can you get? What are the differences between college and high school lives?Which one do you like better? What, according to Evelyn, is one of the major difference between college and high school lives? How should a person take his/her college life according to Evelyn? Do you agree? Background information About the text and the author The text, written by Evelyn Herald (contemporary), appeared in Nutshell magazine in 1989. Background information Nutshell Magazine Well, actually, its a monthly, web-based magazine with an email newsletter component. Interested people sign up for the newsletter and thus they get a digest of the current months content mailed to them. The newsletter contains short, interesting stories while the website contains greater detail for you to dive into. III. Words and Vocabulary distinct Clearly seen, heard, felt, understood, noticeable Now that the boss was no longer present, there was a distinct change in her attitude. The children have distinct memories of their grandfather in his last days. distinctive Clearly different from others of its kind, distinct from Beer has a very distinctive smell. distress 精神上的痛苦 过度劳累等引起的高度紧张 由于长期过度使用而造成的磨损 Pavement distress Distress merchandise 亏本出售的商品 Squar
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