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Foreign Investment Law Chapter I Title and Definition 外商投资法 This Law shall be called the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Foreign Investment Law. 本法案名称为缅甸联邦共和国外商投资法 The following expressions contained in this Law shall have the meanings given hereunder:- 本法案中包含的以下词汇解释如下: “Commission” means the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Foreign Investment Commission; “委员会”是指缅甸联邦共和国外商投资委员会 “Government” means the Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar; “政府”是指缅甸联邦共和国政府 “Citizen” means an associate citizen or a naturalized citizen; “公民”是指准公民或者是归化公民。 “Foreigner” means a person who is not a citizen; “外国人”是指不是本国公民的人 “Promoter” means any citizen or any foreigner submitting an investment proposal to the Commission; “发起人”是指向委员会提交投资计划的公民或者外国人 “Proposal” means the prescribed application submitted by a promoter to the Commission for approval of an intended investment and the accompanying draft contract, financial evidence, and company evidence; “计划书”是指由发起人向委员会提交的指定申请,用于报批意向投资以及相应的合同草案,财务证明以及公司证明 “Permit” means the order in which the approval of the Commission of a proposal is expressed; “批准(许可)”是指委员会批准计划后发出的指令 “Foreign Capital” includes the following which are invested in an economic enterprise by any foreigner under a permit:- “外资”是指由外国人在批准后投入经济企业的资本,包含以下内容: foreign currency ; 外币 property actually required for the enterprise and which is not available within the State, including machinery, equipment, machinery components, spare parts and instruments; 公司实际要求的在本国没有的财产,包含机械,设备,机械部件,备品备件和仪器 rights which can be evaluated intellectual properties such as licenses, trade marks and patent rights; creation patent rights, copyrights, mechanical design; 可以评估的权利知识产权例如批准许可证,商标,以及专利权,创造专利的权利,版权,机械设计等 technical know-how, re-investment out of benefits accrued to the enterprise from the above or 技术知识,公司从上述内容积累的权益进行再投资 或者 out of share of profits; 从利润份额出资 “investor’ means a person or an economic organization making an investment under a permit; “投资者”是指在批准许可项下进行投资的个人或者经济组织、、 “Bank”


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