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國立宜蘭大學食品科學研究所 碩士班專題討論 題目:Antioxidant activities and hypoglycemic effect from Shan Ku Gua (Momordica charantia Linn. var. abbreviata Ser. ) 演講者:Huang, Pin- Chieh) 指導教授: 老師 日期:MAR, 22, 2010 山苦瓜Momordica charantia Linn. var. abbreviata Ser.) 為葫蘆科(Cucurbitaceae),廣泛作為民間用藥。超過濾法凝膠過濾色層分析法高效液相層析MC2?1?5,將此胜肽MC2?1?5餵食糖尿病鼠發現具有明顯降血糖的效果。由此可知山苦瓜很良好的抗氧化能力,其中MC2?1?5胜肽具有相當好的降血糖效果。 關鍵字:山苦瓜、降血糖、糖尿病、抗氧化力 Abstract Momordica charantia Linn. var. abbreviata Ser. (Cucurbitaceae), also known as‘‘Shan Ku Gua’’, is a wild variety of bitter melon. It is commonly consumed as vegetable and also used as a popular folk medicine. The antioxidant activities of Momordica charantia Linn. var. abbreviata Ser. aqueous (BM?H2O) and ethanol (BM?EtOH) extracts were evaluated using 2,2?diphenyl?1?picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), metal chelation, free radical scavenging and xanthine oxidase inhibition (XOI) assays. Results showed that both BM?H2O and BM?EtOH possess potent DPPH radical scavenging activity, which was better than vitamin E. However, they were weaker than vitamin E in free radical scavenging and xanthine oxidase inhibitory activities. A previous study showed that an aqueous extract from Momordica charantia Linn. var. abbreviata Ser. has hypoglycemic effect in diabetic mice. In a long-term study, a water-soluble peptide MC2?1?5 from Momordica charantia Linn. var. abbreviata Ser. was purified by ultrafiltration, gel filtration chromatography and reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography. MC2?1?5, a purified peptide fraction from Momordica charantia Linn. var. abbreviata Ser. produced a significant hypoglycemic effect in diabetic mice when compared to the diabetic control group. Momordica charantia Linn. var. abbreviata Ser. extracts possess potent antioxidant activities and MC2?1?5 has significant hypoglycemic effect in diabetic mice. Keyword: Shan Ku Gua, hypoglycemic, diabetic, antioxidant activities. Reference Feillet-Coudraya C, Rock E, Coudray C, Grzelkowska K, Azais-Braesco V, Dardev



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