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本 科 生 毕 业 论 文 论文题目:高灵敏度折射率传感器研究 姓名与学号: 廖玥 3070011037 指导教师: 郑史烈(副教授) 年级与专业: 2007级信息与通信工程 所在学院: 信息与电子工程学系 论文提交日期: 2011-5-17 摘要 在生产生活中,我们常常要利用折射率传感器对溶液折射率进行精确测量,这就要求折射率传感器具有很高的灵敏度。倾斜光纤光栅折射率传感器是一种高灵敏度的传感器,相较于布拉格光栅或长周期光栅,它能够对外界环境的折射率进行更精准的探测。当倾斜角度达到一定角度时,芯层导模与包层模或芯层导模与辐射模存在的耦合(包层无限大时),因此能对环境折射率进行传感。 表面等离子共振(SPR)可以使得传感器的传感灵敏度更高。由于SPP与光纤中的光波可以产生共振,根据共振峰的位置,我们可以得出折射率与位移以及功率的数学关系。通过仿真和实验,本文得出在棱镜折射率为1.52,金属薄膜厚度为50nm的情况下,可以得到理想的表面等离子体共振的特性。 关键:Abstract We are likely to precisely measure the refraction index of solution by the refraction sensors in our daily life, which needs the high sensitivity of the sensors. Tilted fiber Bragg grating with higher sensitivity than fiber Bragg grating was used to sensing. The core mode will couple to the cladding mode while couple to the radiation mode when cladding tend to infinity. Thus, tilted fiber Bragg grating can not only measure strain and temperature, but also measure the environmental refraction index. SPR could improve the sensitivity of the sensors. Due to the SPR and light wave in the fiber can be resonance, the relationship between the refraction of environment and the displacement can be obtained by the location of the resonance peak and the change of power. We had a conclusion on this research. Compared with the Bragg grating, the Tilted fiber Bragg grating sensor has a higher resolution and sensitivity. When the refraction index of prism is 1.52, the width of the mental film is 50nm, we can have the best character of SPR. Keywords: refraction index sensors; Tilted fiber Bragg grating sensor; SPR by prism; high sensitivity; high resolution 目录 第一章 引言 1 1.1课题研究背景 1 1.2各种折射率传感器技术特点 1 1.2.1微米光纤耦合型 1 1.2.2基于激光微加工的光纤法布里—珀罗折射率传感器 1 1.2.3基于空心光纤多模干涉折射率传感器 1 1.2.4纤芯失配型光纤折射率传感器 2 1.2.5各种类型传感器的比较 2 1.3用光纤光栅传感特性作为高灵敏度折射率传感器 3 1.3.1光纤光栅概述 3 1.3.2倾斜光栅研究背景 3 1.3.3倾斜光纤光栅用作折射率传感器具有更高的灵敏度 4 1.4利用表面等离子体共振(SPR)提高传感灵敏度 5 1.4.1 SPP概述 5 1.4.2利用SPR可以提高灵敏度 6 1.4.3 SPR的应用以及发展前景 7 1.5本文主要内容 7 1.5.1内容梗概 7 1.5.2研究思路及理论基础 7 第二



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