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油气输送RTP管道技术现状及应用前景 程梦鹏1 姚登樽2 1.中国石油天然气管道工程有限公司,河北,廊坊 065000,2.中国石油天然气管道科学研究院,河北廊坊,065000 摘要 由于油气输送钢质管道存在易腐蚀、内摩阻大等技术问题,严重影响了管道的使用寿命和运行安全,非金属油气输送管道技术的应用已经成为管道行业技术发展的新趋势之一。本文针对RTP管道的技术特性和国内外技术现状进行了技术 分析,结合油气管道自身特点,提出了应用前景及需要解决的技术问题,为进一步开展RTP管材技术条件、管道设计、管道连接、管道施工检测等配套技术研究指出了方向,为RTP管材在油气输送管道工程应用奠定基础。 关键词:油气长输管道 钢质管道 RTP 技术现状 应用前景 技术瓶颈 The technology present situation and prospects for Composite reinforced pipe (RTP) be used in oil and gas transmission pipeline Cheng Mengpeng1, YAO Dengzun2 China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Corporatin,Langfang,Hebei,065000 China Oil Gas Pipeline Scientific Research Institute, Langfang,Hebei,065000 Abstract: Due to the delivery of oil and gas steel pipeline, such as easy to corrosion, friction within the technical problems, the serious influence the service life of the pipeline and running safety, non-metallic pipelines of oil and gas technology application has become one of the new trend for the development of pipeline industry. Pipeline technology status quo at home and abroad are analyzed based on the technical characteristics of RTP,,the application prospects and the technical problems to solve combined with the characteristics of oil and gas pipelines is put forward, pipeline and to study and put forward the application prospects and the technical problems to solve, in order to further develop RTP pipe technical conditions, pipeline design, pipeline connection, pipeline construction inspection and other supporting technology research, points out the direction for RTP pipe in oil and gas pipeline engineering application to lay the foundation. Key words: oil and gas transmission pipeline, steel pipe, RTP, technology status quo,the application prospect 1 引言 管道输送作为五大运输体系之一,相对于水运、公路、铁路、航空业来说,在现实和未来社会中,将占据重要位置。如果说遍布城乡的各种管道网是保障社会正常生产、生活,促进经济发展的毛细血管,那么纵横交错的油气长输管道,构成了整个社会的动脉。全钢质管道,因其强度高、可焊性好易于连接,备受油气管道界的青睐,近百年来给世界管道事业的发展做出了极大的贡献,但全钢质管道存在如下问题[1]: 1) 耐腐蚀能力差,需辅以电化学保护等技术措施; 2) 内壁粗燥,摩阻大, 耗能高,既定功率下管输量小; 3) 大口径、高压力管道,管壁厚,制板、卷管能力受限 ; 4) 高强度钢材延


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