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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 消色差系统是指对两种色光消轴向(位置)色差的系统 称为光学系统对F光和C光消色差 称为色差校正不足 称为色差校正过渡 若 位置色差不同于球差,它在近轴区就产生因为位置色差会严重影响成像质量(可能比球差严重).细光束成像也不能获得白光的清晰像 因此用白光成像的光学系统都必须校正位置色差 孔径不同,白光将会有不同的位置色差. 位置色差的性质类似于球差 一般情况下对0.707孔径的光线校正位置色差,光学系统只能对一个孔径的光线进行校正色差 对0.707孔径带校正色差,这样可以使最大孔径的色差与近轴区域的色差绝对值相近,符号相反,整个孔径内的色差将会获得最佳的状况。当0.707孔径消色差后,F光和C光的交点与D光像点位置一般并不重合,其间距离称为二级光谱。 双胶合薄透镜组消色差!!! By combining crown glass and flint glass (each type has a different dispersion of refractive index), they succeeded in bringing the blue rays and the red rays to a common focus, near but not identical with the green rays. This combination is termed a lens doublet where each lens has a different refractive index and dispersive properties. Lens doublets are also known as achromatic lenses or achromats for short If fluorspar is introduced into the glass formulation used to fabricate the lens, then the three colors red, green, and blue can be brought into a single focal point resulting in a negligible amount of chromatic aberration. These lenses are known as apochromatic lenses and they are used to build very high-quality chromatic aberration-free microscope objectives. Modern microscopes utilize this concept and today it is common to find optical lens triplets (Figure 5) made with three lens elements cemented together, especially in the higher-quality objectives. For chromatic aberration correction, a typical 10x achromat microscope objective is built with two lens doublets, as illustrated in Figure 5, on the left. The apochromat objective illustrated on the right in Figure 5 contains two lens doublets and a lens triplet for advanced correction of both chromatic and spherical aberrations. 倍率色差(垂轴色差) 不同色光的焦距不等时,其放大率也不等.光学材料对不同色光的折射率不同,对于光学系统对不同色光就有不同的焦距就有不同的像高,这就是倍率色差 边缘呈现彩色 光学系统的倍率色差是以两种色光的主光 线在高斯像面上的交点高度之差来度量的. 影响成像清晰度 光学系统的成像分析 理想光学系统 1、任意大的空间、任意宽的光束都可以成完善像。 (视场) (孔径角) 2、计算:牛顿公式、高斯公式、近轴光路计算公式均可以


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