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24 2 () Vol. 24 No. 2 2010 6 Journal ofUn iv rsity of South China( Sci nc and T chnology) Jun. 20 10 : 1673- 0062( 20 10) 02- 0038- 04 等离子体振子天线输入阻抗的数值模拟 李 圣, 陈文波, 龚学余* ( , 421001) : 对使用等离子体代替金属用来构成最基本的天线振子的可行 进行了分析, 参照传统金属天线积分方程的求解方法, 代入等离子体特征参数对等离子体柱天线 的输入阻抗进行了模拟, 并分析了等离子体参数变化时对应输入阻抗的变化规律. 数 值模拟及XFDTD软件仿真的结果表明: 等离子体天线阻抗会随着等离子体密度, 碰 撞频率等参数的变化而改变. 利用该特 可建造动态配置的天线. : 等离子体; 振子天线; 积分方程法; 输入阻抗 : TN 820 : A NumericalCalculation of the Input Impedance ofPlasmaDipoleAntennas * LI Sheng, CHENWen-bo, ON Xue-yu ( School of E l ctric Engin ring, Univ rsity of South Ch ina, H ngyang, Hunan 421001, Ch ina) Abstract: Th f asib ility of r p lacing m tal ant nna by plasma column wh ich is form d a fundam ntal ant nna vibrator is analyz d first. Th n according to th approach of int gral quation wh ich is appropriabl tom tal an t nna, th input mi p danc of plasma ant nna is calculat d and mi itat d. Furth rmor , th volution of input mi p danc is studi dw ith var- ying p lasma param t rs. Th r su lts of num rical analysis and smi ulation w ith XFDTD ( a sofwt ar ) show that th input mi p danc of plasm a can b vari d w ith th p lasm a param - t rs such as p lasma l ctric d nsity and collision fr qu ncy. W ith th advantag s of th prop rty, r configurab l ant nna vibrator can b m ad from such plasma column. Key words: plasma; d ipol ant nnas; m thod of int gral quation; input mi p danc . , [ 1] . .



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