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Unit 2 Music How a Piano works Contents Talking: some topics about music Writing: make sentences use the words teacher given Understanding: read the passage then do exercise Words study: focus on the phonetics Lead in: guess some western instruments’ name Assignments: Group work How a piano works How many keyboards and how they are arranged? What is the action and what are the main component? What’s the function of the strings? How to change the sound louder? What’s the function of the pedals? Let’s conclude piano’s working principle conclusion the piano produces sound by causing strings to vibrate and are operated by striking black and white keys. The piano has a part called “dampers” to prevent the strings from vibrating indefinitely 无限的or causing sympathetic和谐的 vibration in other strings. Each key on the piano has a damper that rests against the strings to stop unwanted vibration. When a key is struck, the corresponding damper pulls away from its strings, allowing those strings to vibrate freely until the key is released and the damper falls back on the strings for that key, stopping the vibration and thus stopping the sound. Piano can produce both loud and soft sound so, it is instrument we like best today and it is one of the main reasons the piano is more popular than the clavichord击弦古钢琴 and harpsichord羽管钢琴. Let’s play a game Enjoyment: Do you know Clayderman? 巴黎郊外的一个小镇, 塞纳河从巴黎市区缓缓流出, 滋润着这里的一草一木。 1977年某个秋天的傍晚, 23岁的克莱德曼漫步在塞纳河的岸边, 他已经为一个电视的配乐烦恼好几天了, 今天,他暂且抛开工作, 让美丽的塞纳河给自己 一个清晰的思路和宁静的心。 一边散步, 一边欣赏塞纳河的风光 实在是一件很惬意的事情, 远处, 可以看到晚霞照耀下的巴黎的象征——埃菲尔铁塔, Para1:outskirts ,Seine River?,flowed the?urban ?walk, banks ,?trouble?,?put aside,?clear quiet mind, enjoy, ?views, pleasant , distance,?sunset?,symbol? Paris??Eiffel Tower, Make sentences Using the following words according to the story 河对岸的法国梧桐树叶已开始变黄, 秋风把梧桐树叶吹的沙沙的响, 近处, 走在这片宽阔柔软的草地, 心情格外舒畅。 克莱德曼就这样走走停停, 似乎忘记了时间的流逝, 他已陶醉在美丽的大自然风光当中。 忽然,一个女子映入他的眼


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