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物理数据模型设计 物理数据模型的输入 逻辑数据模型 SDA源数据分析 非正则化方面的需求,如性能和存储的要求 物理数据模型的输出 物理数据模型 物理数据模型设计说明书 生成DDL建表语句 作为SDM(源数据对应)的输入,SDM将提供ETL数据转换规则 * 物理数据模型设计 以逻辑数据模型作为输入 按照RDBMS的要求对于相应的表和字段进行简写 依照物理数据模型命名规范 非正则化处理 定义索引 定义是否允许NULL 定义是否可以压缩 定义是否大小写敏感 定义是否需要分区 * 模型的验证工作 软验证-业务案例 硬验证-业务数据 模型设计维护和扩展工作 数据模型是不断增强的,可扩展的,但要保证其相对的稳定性 前端应用中的多维模型的设计 前端应用以及ETL从性能和使用上对于PDM的修改要求 业务规则的变化以及新的产品的产生也会对LDM和PDM有修改或者扩展的要求 模型设计要考虑今后的可扩展性,以适应新的业务规则和业务需求。 * 24 9 This service provides the customer a physical database design and database implementation optimized for his/her particular scalable DW solution. The database is designed and constructed using the project plan, logical data model, and DW architecture design plan. The primary activities of this service are: Translation of the logical data model to a physical database design Database construction Design optimization Functional testing of the constructed database. Data sourcing, query development and operations planning are described within separate services. The DW Physical Database Design service provides design guidelines appropriate for the environment and for the specific database platform used within this project. Why is this service important? Careful construction of the physical data base results in successful and timely access to the data warehouse. Benefits There are many benefits of the Business Object Model to the customer: A correctly and efficiently built physical database design allows High performance response to known business queries High confidence in the ability to perform to ad-hoc, or unknown queries. Deliverables Translation of the logical data model to a physical database design creates DDL Database construction - execution of the DDL to create the physical tables Design optimization - optimization of the database based on expected usage Functional testing of the constructed database. Ensure functionality of the design using data provided by the customer for the service Develop a Service Report documenting the deliverables a


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