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我国对外贸易地区分布与贸易结构现状分析Analysis the regional distribution of Chinas foreign trade structure and trade丹丹我国对外贸易地区分布与贸易结构现状分析摘要一国的对外贸易地区分布与对外贸易结构是衡量已过进出口贸易状况的重要内容,对其进行研究对一国的外贸发展具有重要意义。自1978年,中国改革开放不断扩大,我国的国民经济从封闭型逐渐向开放型进行转变,对外贸易额也在不断上升。上世纪90年代初,中国提出市场多元化战略,当时的主要目的是分散国际市场风险,避免对少数国家的依赖。经过多年的发展和调整,通过优化国际市场布局,中国外贸市场结构发生了较大变化,市场多元化取得新进展。随着中国加入WTO之后,对外贸易伴随着中国经济的飞速发展也在迅速发展。中国已经成为世界上许多国家最重要的贸易伙伴之一,我国在成为世界重要的加工基地的同时服务贸易在世界贸易中的份额也在不断提高。本文介绍了我国改革开放以来对外贸易出口总额,出口增长趋势,出口产品分类变化趋势,出口地区结构变化;与此同时,也对近年出口变化的原因进行了分析,对我国出口面临的挑战进行分析并提出相应的应对措施。关键词 对外贸易 出口产品结构 应对策略AbstractForeign trade by regions and foreign trade structure is a measure of a countrys foreign trade situation, it plays an important part of countries’ research, which is important for foreign trade development of a country. Since 1978, Chinese reform has been opening expanding, Chinese domestic economy gradually be converted to open from closed, the foreign trade volume is also rising. The early 1990s, China put forward strategy of market diversification, at that time, the main purpose is to disperse the international market risks and avoid the dependence from a few countries. After years of development and adjustment, by optimizing the layout of the international market, Chinese foreign trade structure has undergone major changes in the market, market diversification has made new progress. With China joined in WTO, the foreign trade development rapidly with development of Chinese economy growing rapidly. China has become one of the countries which are most important trading partners in the world. China became the major processing base places in the world, while the share of services is also rising in the world. This paper describes the total exports, export growth trend, exports classified trends, the changes in the regional structure of export since Chinese reform and opening up foreign trade; at the same time, there are the reasons for recent changes in export are analyzed on the challenges that China facing and propos