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Acta Entomologica Sinica, January 2010, 53( 1) : 98- 109 ISSN 0454-6296 /product/193.html 杀虫灯 1 1, * 2 2 1 周志艳 , 罗锡文 , 张 扬 , 李燕芳 , 臧 英 ( 1. , , 510642; 2. , 510642) : , , , , , , , , , , , : ; ; ; ; ; : Q968 : A : 0454-6296( 20 10) 01-0098-12 M achine-based technologies for detecting and m on itoring insect pests of crops: a review 1 1, * 2 2 1 ZHOU Zh-iYan , LUO X-iW en , ZHANG Yang , LI Yan-Fang , ZANG Y ing ( 1. Key Laboratory of K ey T echnology on Agricu lturalM ach ine and Equ ipm ent, M in istry of E ducation, College of Eng ineering, South Ch ina Agricu lturalUn iversity, Guang hou 510642, Ch ina; 2. P lant Protection Research Institute, Guangdong Academy ofAgr icu ltural Sciences, Guang hou 510640, China) Abstract: To mi prove crop production and protection, and to mi plem ent tmi ely targeted pesticide app lications, reducing input costs and benefiting the env ironm ent, an accurate early detection and quantification of dam age caused by crop insect pests in plants is requ ired. T rad itional m ethods such as plant-flapp ing m ethod wh ich investigates the popu lation of insect pests by m acroscop ic observation w ith the tracking down rate betw een 30% and 70% are m ost comm on but subject to bias and can be inaccurate. These mi precise and inaccurate detection and dam age evaluation data, how ever, m ay cause costly errors to variab le-rate spray ing in precision agriculture. This paper provides


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